Thursday, February 28, 2019

What A Guy!!!

EVERYTHING Cohen said yesterday was a BIG LIE!!!
Except that ONE thing about NO COLLUSION!!! What a Guy!!!
OK, he did NOT “exactly” say what I say he said
But what he said was CLOSE ENOUGH to the “words” from MY head
I HATE ALL THE LIES he said he “remembered” about ME
But that ONE SINGLE thing he said was TRUE as TRUE can be!!!

But you can take that ONE THING to the bank and cash it out
Because the “words” I say I heard him say I say are TRUE!!!
So-called “suspicions” DO NOT COUNT, “truth’s” up to ME, NOT “you”!!!
But What A Guy!!! His “NO COLLUSION!!!” is  TRUTH ALL can see!!!

Let’s hear it for Lyin’ Rat Cohen!!! What a TRUTHFUL Guy!!!
The ONLY thing he said that COUNTS WILL ensure I DON’T fry!!!
For ALL the rest just LOCK HIM UP!!! and throw out the damned key
Who cares if he was one of MANY “lawyers” “helping” ME???
I NEVER spent much time with him and did NOT “know” him well
But when it comes to “Truth” about ME his ONE TRUTH was swell!!!

28 February 2019

Trump derides 'fake' hearing but says Cohen truthful on 'no collusion'

Still In Love?

I might have been a bit “hasty” in MY “poem” yesterday
The Little Rocket Man and I are still “in love”, some say
He is the kind of “dictator” I want to be MYSELF
That’s why I claim he “knew” NOTHING about that dead kid’s health
When I left there I had intended to commence ATTACK!!!
And now I’m getting PRAISED for WALKING so I may WALK BACK!!!

He is a DICTATOR, OK??? So yeah, OF COURSE he “knew”
But that kid ripped a POSTER down so what else could he do???
I take him at his word like Putin and that “sheik” before
That’s the way I ingratiate MYSELF with the hardcore
They rule with IRON FISTS!!! That is the way to run ALL lands
IRON FISTS like theirs would fit Great on MY tiny hands!!!

So maybe I still AM “in love” with Little Rocket Man
Given the way I “felt” when I left that was NOT MY plan
I did NOT get a THING out of that baby-faced fat ass
And WALKING AWAY this time earned the PRAISE I CRAVE en masse...
Hey!!! Pelousy just “needled” ME!!! She said MY brane “thinks” SLOW!!!
To Hell with her!!! Ring “Nuke-‘em” up!!! Korea’s gonn GLOW!!!

28 February 2019

Trump was out of his depth in Hanoi. This failure is his greatest flop yet

'I don't believe he knew about it.' Trump defends Kim Jong Un on Otto Warmbier's death

Pelosi needles Trump after collapse of talks with North Korean leader

Walk Away

I went to “Hanoi” hoping that the Little Rocket Man
I thought saying we “fell in love” would be MORE than enough
To make him toe MY line exactly and NOT play so rough
But he REFUSED to “compromise” to EVERYTHING I asked
So I am going to blow his ass back to a Stone Aged past.

Sometimes you have to WALK AWAY when your Great DEAL’s REJECTED
His REFUSAL to HONOR MINE was NOT what I expected!!!
When I offer a chump a DEAL to it they MUST agree
Despite the fact the WINNING side is ALWAYS ONLY ME
But that fat Rocket Man said ‘NO’ in NO “uncertain” terms!!!
I’ll blow his “country” SO far off the map there’s NO returns.

MY Russian Friends in the Kremlin can tell you what’s gone down
They monitor MY EVERY MOVE in, out, and about town
They are the FIRST to know about when MY Great DEALS go sour
They know in seconds while MY country waits at least an hour
I don’t know how they do it but it is OK with ME

But let’s get “back on topic”, this is ABOUT ME, OK???
Rocket Man and I spoke crap about “keeping in touch”
But I’m “planning” “preemptive strike” to eat his “bombs” for lunch
It won’t be long before I’m where MY Big Red Buttons wait
And I WILL push them ALL now that our “love’s” returned to HATE.

28 February 2019

Donald Trump, Kim Jong Un fail to strike deal, call off nuclear weapons talks early

Trump, Kim summit collapses amid failure to reach deal

Trump-Kim Summit: Meetings End With No Agreement

The Latest: Kremlin says US, NKorea unwilling to compromise

He tried to kiss me, says Kim

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

In Absentia

I am SO NOT a “Racist” OR a “Con Man” OR a “Cheat”!!!
I am ALL THREE AT ONCE, OK??? And THAT is quite a feat!!!
I NEVER would “admit” that I was any ONE of them
But BELIEVE ME to be ALL THREE makes ME a “unique” MAN
The “Racist” in ME’s “obvious”, but NOT those other two
Because I’ve hidden them away MY whole “country” to screw.

Republicans did WELL today to help ME and MY “Brand”
NOTHING that the DEMONcrats did could sway one BASE fan
Just watch Lou Dobbs and random toadies talk on Fox TV
And you’ll hear what a TRAVESTY today was, BELIEVE ME!!!
Cohen’s LIES were PATHETIC!!! EACH ONE WORSE than the last!!!
(Besides, that stuff he “remembered” was WAY BACK in the PAST).

DEMONcrats asked “leading questions”, MY Toadies STOOD FIRM!!!
EVERY SINGLE ONE ATTACKED Cohen to make him squirm
They CONSTANTLY brought up the FACT he’s a CONVICTED LIAR!!!
So What if NOT ONE “cross-examined”??? They made him PERSPIRE!!!
Well, anyway, they tried to, although he remained quite cool
I’ll have to ratchet up MY “mob” threats to scare that RAT FOOL!!!

Praising fat Little Rocket Man MY “war crisis” to play
Because “Prime Time” in “Hanoi’s” VERY LATE back home at night
So I won’t get Great Ratings when I go “on air” to FIGHT
A few in MY fine BASE may stay up, MOST WILL BE ASLEEP!!!
They’ll have to wait until TOMORROW to react like sheep.

I may just stay here in “Hanoi”, ‘though their so-called “food” SUCKS!!!
NOT ONE good Big Mac can be found, but I could still con bucks
And if I did NOT go “back home” where Mueller waits for ME
But stayed here and broadcast DENIALS EVERY night at three
I could forget about WITCH HUNTERS!!! (THEY’D be far away!!!)
I could reign “in absentia” here YEARS. Hey!!! I just may!!!

27 February 2019

Cohen: Trump is a racist, con man, cheat

Michael Cohen testimony: Republicans can’t defend Trump on substance

Michael Cohen's Uncontradicted Testimony to Congress

Trump-Kim summit 2019: Live updates - CNNPolitics


PROSPERITY is ALL that counts!!! It’s ALL that REALLY matters!!!
Without Great WEALTH flowing UPHILL to ME I’d be in tatters!!!
Thanks to the “trickle down” charade ALL MONEY “trickles” UP
And Tax Breaks and “Emoluments” have REALLY filled MY cup
So how can Little Rocket Man NOT take the DEAL I offer???
I’ll share PROSPERITY with him if he gives bombs a tosser.

Yellen’ Janet Yellin thinks I do NOT “understand”
But I DON’T NEED TO when there’s SO MUCH MONEY in MY hand
And Little Rocket Man can amass Great Wealth just like ME
If he tosses ALL of his homemade bombs into the sea
I would NOT even “mind” if one or two fell on “Japan”
It’s sitting in the ocean MUCH TOO CLOSE to Rocket Man.

As long as his bombs do NOT hit places MY fine Base sit
I would NOT even “mind” if “California” took a hit
The whole “West Coast” is Blue as Hell so why would I complain
If his “denuclearization” sent it down the drain???
As long as ALL Red States are spared by him it’s fine by ME
And to sweeten the pot I’ll offer him PROSPERITY!!!

What a Great WIN-WIN Deal this is for ME and ME again!!!
If he “denuclearizes” ALL the Blue States he can
I’ll WIN MY next “election” with NO “opposition” “vote”
Because I WON the DEAL I made with that fat piece of bloat
He gets a little slice of the Best Chocolate Cake I eat
And I get to finally RELAX because I CAN’T BE BEAT!!!

27 February 2019

Trump touts prosperity, but is that what North Korea wants?

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Sticks and Carrots

If ONE MORE so-called “senator” “votes” “NO” I WILL be SCREWED!!!
I WON’T get MY EMERGENCY!!! How could they be SO RUDE???
ALL KNOW a BILLION IMMIGRANTS!!! are, even as we speak,
There’s GANG MEMBERS!!! and DRUG HAULERS!!! approaching by the SCORE!!!

So-called “Republicans” who “vote” AGAINST ME I’ll DESTROY!!!
They soon WILL be OUT of a job, NO LONGER in employ
One word against them to MY Base and their asses are grass
Their cushy jobs are GONE if they do NOT give “NO” a pass!!!
They WILL be “voted” “OUT OF OFFICE”, they WILL LOSE their “seat”
And what is WORSE they WILL be HOUNDED in EACH tweet I tweet!!!

I’ve got a whole “country” to fleece, it is MY guarantee
That I WILL be the RICHEST “President” there’s EVER been
Thanks to “emoluments” that started the day I got in
And I have got WITCH HUNTS!!! to dodge and TWEET STORM RAGE to send
To prove I’m a Great “DEALMAKER” this “NO” “vote” crap MUST END!!!

So EVERY “senator” who says that they’ll be “voting” “NO”
I “invite” to MY White House for a dog and pony show
I’ll DAZZLE them with promises of DEALS with them I’ll make
And THREATEN them with BANISHMENT if MY WALL they forsake
I’m sure it WILL be EASY to “WIN” them back to MY side
Once they’re here, strapped down, and sticks and carrots are applied.

26 February 2019

Republican senator says he'll vote against Trump's national emergency

Trump on brink of defeat on border emergency

Monday, February 25, 2019

Substantial Progress

I’ve made “substantial progress” so “tariffs” are now on hold!!!
China’s “stock market” is SURGING because I’m SO BOLD!!!
Who cares if some dumb “trade advisor” and I “disagree”
And putting off MY “tariffs” makes VAST RICHES flow to ME???
It’s true MY “Organization” WILL rake in LOTS of dough

TRUMP-BRANDED “spas” and “escort services”, “hotels”, and such
Thanks to MY “tariff” DELAY will in China increase MUCH
But ALL this talk of “foreign emoluments” is PURE CRAP!!!
Again I say COINCIDENCE!!” and that’s the END of that!!!
Ignore MY sons behind the bamboo curtain if you please
They had NOTHING to do with MY move to MY “tariffs” ease.

ONLY I ALONE run MY Great TRUMP  “Organization”
MY idiot sons do NOT factor into the equation
They’re “figureheads” to cover what I do behind the scenes
They hide MY plots, manipulations, lawsuits, threats, and schemes
But since some stupid “law” says “Presidents” “CANNOT” get RICH(!!!)
I say that they’re IN CHARGE, OK??? (They’re NOT, but life”s a BITCH!!!)

If I get pissed off at China again “tariffs” are BACK!!!
I get a DEAL with those slant-eyes or go on the ATTACK!!!
But for now their “approval” of MY TRUMP-BRAND CRAP I LIKE!!!
And those screaming “emoluments” can go and take a hike
I WILL continue to claim it’s COINCIDENCE!!!, OK???
But those who “know” ME “know” I’ve made MY “tariff crisis” pay.

25 February 2019

Trump to delay China tariff hike due to ‘substantial progress’

Stock surge on US decision to postpone China tariff hike

Memo of misunderstanding: Trump clashes with trade adviser over China talks

No other has done this! China approves Donald Trump-branded spas, escort services, hotels

Sunday, February 24, 2019


HOLD THE DATE, Amerika! I’ve got a Great idea!!!
On July 4th let’s CELEBRATE the “fact” that I’m STILL HERE!!!
“They’ve” tried for TWO LONG YEARS to topple ME off of MY perch
By throwing EVERYTHING “they” could AGAINST ME to BESMIRCH
But I’ve survived WITCH HUNTS!!! and hid COLLUSION!!! week by week
So on this random date I’ve picked YOUR FAVORITE “Prez” WILL SPEAK!!!

I’m told that “July 4th” means SOMETHING to SOME around here
Who Cares??? I’ll make it ALL ABOUT ME!!! How MY Base WILL CHEER!!!
MY fine WHITE Base ALL “know” I’m MORE IMPORTANT than “country”
They’ll be DELGHTED the date’s now TRUMP CELEBRATORY!!!
They WILL turn out to sing MY PRAISES, BILLIONS here WILL come
There may EVEN be MORE than at MY “inauguration”!!!

“A Salute to America” WILL mean to MY Base throng
A “Salute” to their FAVORITE “President”!!! What could go WRONG???
MY staff WILL truck them in from hick town places far away
“Assembled” on the “Mall” they WILL “salute” JUST ME that day!!!
When I arrive they’ll ALL REJOICE and shower ME with perks
And to REWARD their LOYALY I’ll give them FIREWORKS!!!

In fact I think I’ll DEMAND it re-named “TRUMP DAY” FOREVER!!!
For YEARS on EACH “4th of July” I’ll set a precedent
I’ll truck in those LOYAL to hear their FAVORITE “President”
And since I’ll be the “Prez” for LIFE EACH year MY CELEBRATION
On July 4th will be the day I’m HONORED by MY “nation!!!

24 February 2019

Trump says he'll speak at "A Salute To America" event on July 4 at D.C.'s Lincoln Memorial

Trump ridiculed for bizarre 'HOLD THE DATE!' July 4th DC celebration announcement -- then making it all about himself

Trump books Lincoln Memorial for July 4th gala he'll host

Trump Ruins Everything, Next Up: Fourth of July

Life Sentence

I have a BILLION “dirty tricks” still hidden up MY sleeve
And I’m starting to pull them out as “WITCH HUNT!!! ends draw nigh
Who cares what Mueller’s Mob “reveals”??? NOBODY “FIRES” THIS GUY!!!
I am the Greatest “President”, BELIEVE ME, AS ALL KNOW
I’ll leave when I DECIDE, NOT when WITCH HUNTS!!! OR “votes” say GO!!!

I’ve “broken” EVERY so-called “rule” there was since I got in
In two years I WILL “break” another one to AGAIN WIN!!!
If so-called “more votes” are “received” by someone who’s NOT ME
I’ll claim it was COLLUDED!!! FAKE!!! CORRUPT!!! CONSPIRACY!!!
I’ll NEVER “accept” ANY outcome in ANY election
That does in ANY way shape or form lead to MY rejection.

I CAN’T be “fired”, WON’T “concede”, and NEVER WILL STEP DOWN!!!
Amerika is stuck with ME as long as I’m around
And as MY “science doctors” say I’ll live MANY YEARS MORE
Who cares if “voters” “vote” ME out??? They WON’T “show ME the door”!!!
Two years ago MY conned country for LIFE “elected” ME
It did NOT “know” that then but now it’s clear as it can be.

A LIFE SENTENCE is going to be coming VERY soon
And it WILL NOT be one swept in by “votes” or Mueller’s broom
I ALONE WILL “sentence” ME!!! I’ll BREAK the “voting” rule
That when you “lose” an “election” you “concede” to some fool
I WON’T “concede” to ANYONE who dares run against ME!!!
(Besides, by then “elections” may be BANNED, we’ll have to see).

24 February 2019

'You're fired!' America has already terminated Trump

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Voter Fraud NOT

It’s ONLY “VOTER FRAUD” if it is done by DEMONcrats!!!
Republicans DO NOT NEED “FRAUD” to WIN their “voting” spats
When you have “gerrymandered” your own “voting district’s” ground
You WIN EACH TIME because “votes” AGAINST you CANNOT be found
And that “North Carolina” state’s been “gerrymandered” well
So those who say there’s “VOTER FRAUD” down there can GO TO HELL!!!

ALL “election integrity commissioners” agree
It is NOT “VOTER FRAUD” if those who do it support ME!!!
I NEED EVERY Republican on the Hill I can get
And I DON’T CARE how they get there to aid ME and abet
Like ME MY side MUST “remain silent” when FAKE NEWS!!! asks “Why???”
Or use the “both sides” argument to make this “fraud” thing die.

It’s time to re-convene Mike’s fine “commissioners”, OK???
To help ME make this so-called “proven vote fraud” go away
If they “investigate” it I’m sure THEY WILL ALL AGREE
That it was done by DEMONcrats, NOT by those who LOVE ME!!!
It is ALWAYS the DEMONcrats who for “votes” CHEAT and LIE
Republicans DON’T get “caught” when they “steal votes” on the sly.

That’s why North Carolina had “disturbed” ME VERY MUCH!!!
DEMONcrats ALREADY STOLE 40 “SEATS”!!! That’s a BUNCH!!!
It’s MUCH “higher” than I can “count” but I’m told it’s A LOT
If this thing makes it 41 MY “re-election’s” shot!!!
I still control the “Senate” but that may NOT be enough
So I’m “remaining silent” and/or laying “both sides” bluff.

(Although I must admit it helps when you let Russians in)
Republicans are SMARTER than DEMONcrats ANY day
That’s why I’m pissed that jerk down South did NOT pull off his play
But what he did has NOT been “proven” “VOTER FRAUD” AT ALL!!!
It’s ONLY “proven” in the “future” MY SIDE NEEDS MORE GALL!!!

23 February 2019

Trump’s defunct ‘election integrity’ commissioners utterly silent on North Carolina fraud

Trump lays some of the ol’ ‘both sides’ on alleged election fraud in North Carolina

N.C. board declares a new election in contested House race after the GOP candidate admitted he was mistaken in his testimony

Criminal charges possible in North Carolina's US House fight

Go Ahead And Say It: Republicans Are Perpetrating a Coup Against Our Democracy


Today I PRAISE a LOYAL MINION: Sarah Suckabee!!!
When it comes down to “lying” she’s ALMOST AS GOOD AS ME!!!
We BOTH are “pathological” in each and EVERY way
But I still have the edge because she gets from ME her “pay”
And EACH day she proves she’s worth EVERY penny that I spend
Because she amplifies MY “lies” with hers to FAKE “TRUTH” rend.

The “lies” I tweet by 5 AM she’s parroted by 9
And she does it with a “straight face” (there’s ALWAYS “smirks” on mine)
“People” suspect that I DON’T “know” “lies” are ALL I say
Sarah MAY suspect but she WILL NOT give ME away
Plus when you’re “pathological” you really have NO “choice”
As long as she “lies” LESS than ME in her “lies” I’ll rejoice.

She knows that to stay on MY “good” side ALL “lies” she MUST tell
MUST be less “obvious” than those I EVERY day dispell
If her “lying” EVER got “better” than MINE I’d be “blue”
And I NEVER stay “blue” for long, “blue’s” a “color” I HATE!!!
I would turn RED with RAGE and CONDEMN her to a grim fate.

So far I have NOT had to kick her butt out of MY doors
I WILL let it remain as long as MY “lies” it encores
As “liars” go I’m NOT yet “threatened” by MY Suckabee
We are like two peas in a pod sharing “pathology”
If EVER she tries to “top” MY “lies” then OUT her “lies” go
But so far hers have HONORED MINE in EVERY dumb “press” show.

23 February 2019

'There Was No Collusion.' Sarah Sanders Predicts Mueller Report Will Clear Trump

Sarah Sanders says Trump is leaving some troops in Syria to ensure peaceful withdrawal

Friday, February 22, 2019

Civil War

If ANYONE “ impeaches” ME there WILL be “CIVIL WAR”!!!
And it WILL NOT be “civil” but filled with BLOOD, GUTS, and GORE!!!
The pen is “mightier” than the “sword”, some say (but NOT ME!!!)
But NOT “mighty” as AK-47s, ALL AGREE
That Coast Guard Guy was a fine member of MY fine White Base
So I WILL NOT “condemn” him, what he did was NO “disgrace”.

He “amassed” MANY GUNS and LOTS of AMMO, but SO WHAT???
In this Great country that is LEGAL, no if, and, or but
Buying GUNS is one of the BEST things FREE MARKETS offer
It comes right after “emoluments” filling MY coffer
And he made a few “threats”, OK, but “threats” DO NOT “acts” make
(Too bad he did NOT follow through!!! What a Wuss, for god’s sake!!!)

ALL “words” I say are VERY NICE!!!, as NICE as NICE can be
They DON’T “incite violence” from ANY NUT CASE who LOVES ME!!!
It is a bummer that WHITE guy was NOT an IMMIGRANT!!!
And I agree it’s past time to KILL ALL of “liberal” bent
But just because he “threatened” DEMONcrats and FAKE NEWS!!! shi*ts
Is NOT a reason to “condemn” him, he pulled off NO hits.

Both Suckabee and I deny I “incite violence”
ALL “words” I say DO NOT in ANY way bring HATRID hence
EACH “word” I say and tweet is VERY NICE, I say again
There is NO WAY “they” can use them to put ME in the pen
And I remind ALL in MY country that THERE WILL BE WAR!!!
Unless I’m treated “civilly” MORE VIOLENCE I’ll implore.

22 February 2019

Coast Guard Officer Plotted to Kill Democrats and Journalists, Prosecutors Say

Trump denies his ‘very nice’ language encouraged white supremacist Coast Guard officer

Sarah Sanders: No need for Trump to tone down rhetoric following Hasson arrest

Former RNC chair Michael Steele: Trump ‘isn’t happy’ with law enforcement for foiling terror plot against Dems


They’re taking MY NAME off of buildings up in New York City!!!
That town’s ALWAYS been MEAN to ME but now it’s downright sh*tty!!!
I’m DONALD TRUMP!!! AS ALL KNOW ‘Real Estate’s” MY “middle name”
“TRUMP” “names” NOT displayed EVERYWHERE dilute MY claim to fame!!!
It’s HARD to control that damned place from “Washington DC”
But at least down HERE where I RULE I’ll get things “named” for ME.

AS ALL KNOW I’m the Greatest “President” that’s EVER been
So NOT “naming” things after ME down HERE would be a SIN
For instance there’s a pointy “tower” standing on the “Mall”
Why NOT brand it with “TRUMP” letters at least 20 feet tall???
And FAKE NEWS!!! calls where I “live” the “TRUMP White House” EVERY day
Let’s make that “name” OFFICIAL, I’m NOT leaving anyway.

I’ve got a BIG HOTEL “named” for ME on Mass Avenue
It’s so Great for “emoluments” let’s name that street “TRUMP” too!!!
In fact there are a LOT of streets around here “named” for “states”
I say change ALL state streets to “TRUMP” and screw “future” debates
“Naming” EVERY street “TRUMP STREET” would make “driving” a snap
Just tell your chauffeur to take “TRUMP STREET” and that would be that.

After EVERY “Monument’s” been branded with MY “NAME”
And EVERY street becomes “TRUMP STREET” and “TRUMP White House” I claim
What else deserves the Great HONOR of being “named” for ME???
I know!!! That “Washington” guy’s DEAD, OK??? He’s HISTORY!!!
Why should MY “city” be “named” after some schmuck who’s LONG GONE???

22 February 2019
Happy “Washington’s” Birthday...for now.

Residents of another Manhattan building vote to remove ‘Trump Place’ name

Last Two NYC Buildings Named ‘Trump Place’ Vote to Remove President’s Name

Thursday, February 21, 2019


DEMONcrats are trying to BLOCK!!! MY EMERGENCY!!!
I guess I’ll have to play golf ONLY two days out of three
And DEMAND that MY omelettes be served FIRST when I’m in line
Because to fight the DEMONcrats I’ll need to clear more time
MY raging Tweet Storms spread DENIAL!!! and INDIGNANTY!!!
But it will take MORE than Tweets to stop them from BLOCKING!!! ME.

I’ll throw against the DEMONcrats ALL of the RAGE!!! I’ve got
And THREATEN LEGAL ACTION!!! that is WAY “over the top”
If they “pass” “resolutions” that “condemn” MY “declaration”
If they want to play games I’ll BLOCK!!! “resolutions” they pass
And throw “legal” BLOCKS!!! back at them that knock them on their ass.

MY NATIONAL EMERGENCY!!! IS going to proceed
I WILL move WALL BUILDING ahead while lawsuits pick up speed
On their side and on MY side MORE lawsuits WILL soon be flyin’
But I WILL TAKE MONEY for MY WALL despite BLOCKS!!! they’re tryin’
MANY years will stretch ahead as both our BLOCKS!!! play out
Plenty of time for CONCRETE BLOCKS to construct MY WALL stout.

21 February 2019

House Democrats move to block Trump's emergency declaration on border

Democrats prepare resolution against Trump's declaration

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Space Farce Lite

The Super Duper SPACE FORCE!! I’ve DEMANDED’s been “scaled back”!!!
It WON’T get nifty RAY GUNS!!! to protect ME from attack!!!
“Tin foil” hats they now will wear will REALLY make ME glum!!!
MY Tremendous TRUMP SPACE FORCE!!! has now become “Space Farce Lite”
And under the “Air Force” it will soon sink right out of sight!!!

The TRUMP SPACE FORCE!!! I “envisioned” would be STRONG as could be
Ready to fight INVADERS!!! from beyond “infinity”
It would float ready above Earth ALL ALIENS!!! to spy
And ZAP them when it saw them with DEATH RAYS that cook and fry
But given MY Great WALL Fight there’s less MONEY left around
To spend on STORMTROOPERS!!! who would to ME ALONE be bound.

MY SPACE FORCE!!! I would also use for “Trump preservation”
From on high they would ZAP!!! and FRY!!! EVERY FAKE NEWS!!! press bum
ALL “critics” of MY “policies” and DEMONcrats galore
Under ROCKET SHIP!!! attacks would DIE!!! in HOLY WAR!!!
NO ONE on Earth would survive if they were “opposed” to ME
Through MY SPACE FORCE!!! I would achieve MY “Scorched Earth” “policy”!!!

But now I’m told I WON’T get RAY GUNS!!! or TITANIUM!!!
I WON’T get ROCKET SHIPS!!! to use as MY “ultimatum”!!!
MY Great SPACE FORCE!!! has been “reduced” to some dumb “Air Force” group
And instead of ME in charge some “general” is in the loop
This is NOT the Great TRUMP SPACE FORCE!!! “envisioned” in MY dreams!!!
I’ll have to conquer Earth through somewhat less “expensive” means.

20 February 2019

Trump approves plan to create Space Force but puts it under Air Force control, as Pentagon officials wanted

Trump to approve lean Space Force

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Brane Cred

I am NOT “mentally impaired!!!” “Psychiatrists” agree
(The MANY I have spoken with) I’m “mental” as can be!!!
ONLY ONE CRAZY “Doctor” ALONE thinks I should be “tested”
The rest agree the Genius in ME cannot be bested
I am SO SMART NO ONE on Earth even comes close to ME!!!
How DARE ONE CRAZY “shrink” question MY “brane” capacity???

MY “Doctors” say MY “physical health” is Numero One
NO ONE else they’ve “examined” has been healthier in sum
And they “tested” MY “brane”, OK? with ALL that “science” stuff
And found beyond doubt when it comes to “branes” I have enough
You don’t need more than ONE “brane” in your “head” at any time
And “Doctors” say that EVERY time they look there ONE they find.

MY body’s “physically HEALTHY” and MY “brane’s” in the mix
NOT ONE “Doctor” examining ME says it needs a fix
So why does this ONE CRAZY “psychiatrist” declare
That MY “brane” should be “tested” to see if I’m still ALL there???
The “25th Amendment” is what “she” wants to “invoke”
I don’t “know” what that is but I am sure it is a JOKE.

ONE CRAZY “ woman doctor” out of the ENTIRE bunch
Wants to “invoke” something to see if MY “brane’s” out to lunch
COME ON! “She” is a “woman”, OK? That is ALL you need
To know that “she’s” UNQUALIFIED!!! DO NOT what “she” says heed!!!
ALL MALE “Doctors” agree some kind of “brane’s” inside MY head
As for “impairment”, consider GAY!!! “woman doctor” cred!!!

19 February 2019

Trump’s mental impairment: A psychiatrist makes the case for invoking the 25th Amendment

Monday, February 18, 2019

Permeator In Chief

Another day, another THREAT, because that’s what I do
I THREATEN EVERYONE I meet, both Gentile and Jew
If you are NOT ME you’ll be THREATENED, just wait for your turn
I’ll get around to you after I someone else first burn
When your turn comes I promise I WILL THREATEN you a LOT
For when it comes to making THREATS I give them ALL I’ve got.

Today it’s “Europe’s” turn to get the next THREAT out of ME
They MUST take back and lock up ISIS “fighters” rapidly
Or else I’ll be “forced” to “release” 800 TERRORISTS!!!
To “PERMEATE” their so-called “countries” who’ve NOT MY ass kissed
They’d better pucker up or else it’s “catch and release” time
MY TERRORISTS!!! WILL “teach” them to applaud Mike Dense NEXT time!!!

Mike went there to DEMAND “respect” for ME and ALL I’ve done
And they DID NOT give him the clap, NOT by two hands or one!!!
“Europeans” therefore DESERVE this MY latest THREAT
Which I have now made and WILL follow up on you can bet
MY TERRORISTS!!! WILL “PERMEATE” THEM to the Nth degree!!!
(I don’t “know” what that ”word” means but it sounds NASTY to ME).

Hey! I “think” I will use that “word” in EACH new THREAT I make!!!
Like: “PERMEATE” your ass if you applause for ME forsake
Or: TERRORISTS!!! WILL “PERMEATE” your whole sh*thole “country”
I’ll use that “word” to “PERMEATE” EVERY THREAT soon to be!!!
I still do NOT “know” what it means and maybe NEVER WILL
But if it’s NASTY like I “think” MY THREATS with it I’ll fill.

18 February 2019

Trump demands Europe 'take back' and lock up 800 ISIS fighters captured in Syria or he warns the US will be forced to release the terrorists to 'permeate Europe'

Mike Pence ‘visibly shook’ as nobody claps at his applause lines during disastrous European trip

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Protect and Defend

I’ll use MY “VETO POWER” to “protect” MY “declaration”!!!
It means MUCH MORE to ME than “defending” MY stupid “nation”
AS ALL KNOW “perception” ALONE those you con “contemplate”
And how MY BASE “perceives” ME now WILL determine MY “fate”
So I WILL fight to “protect” MY declared “EMERGENCY”
Because “NATIONAL EMERGENCY’S” about “protecting” ME!!!

If “Congress” votes to “disapprove” I’ll OVERRIDE their asses!!!
I’ll use MY “VETO POWER!!!” to head them off at the passes
I WILL “protect” and WILL “defend” MY RIGHT to save MY butt
By “protecting” MY “declaration” WALL “debate” I’ll shut
MY WALL MAY someday “protect “ SOMETHING (Hey! NO “guarantee”!)
But for now face-saving “protection’s” for “protecting” ME!!!

Hannity’s back on MY side and I’ve NEVER met “Ann”
But I could NOT HATE “her” LESS even if “she” were a MAN
EVERY MAN’s MY FOE before AND after DEALS I’ve WON
While “women” I don’t think about after MY groping’s done
But Coulter’s REALLY pissed ME off!!! An “Idiot” indeed!!!
Once I’ve “protected” MY DECREE that “woman’s” gonna BLEED!!!

MY boy Nazi Steve Miller got it RIGHT this time again
MY bottom line is NOT how many “kids” I get to pen
The VERY MANY “BEST” “statistics” that I claim I “read”
I made up in MY “brane” to “defend” what I’ve now DECREED
Who cares if TERRORISTS!!! in CARAVANS!!! are NOT approaching???
MY “declaration” “protects” ME from VOTE LOSSES encroaching.

17 February 2019

White House indicates Trump to veto disapproval of emergency

Night Terrors

“What National Emergency??? That should be plain as day!!!
AS ALL KNOW TERRORIST!!! DRUG!!! GANG!!! NON-WHITES!!! now stream MY way!!!
MASS CARAVANS approach MY Border with intent to KILL!!!
And then ADDICT!!! to the OPIOIDS!!! or some OTHER BAD PILL!!!
There’s NO time for DELAY!!! MY Great WALL MUST be “finished” SOON

I may NOT see them at first ‘cause they’ll hide under MY bed
And wait until MY lights go off before making ME DEAD!!!
And then they’ll MAKE ME swallow DRUGS!!! one BAD PILL!!! at a time
The few remaining “brane cells” I’ve got left WILL each be fryin’
They’ll get MY “brane” ADDICTED!!!, OK??? THEN the world will see
How BAD a “brane” DEAD!!! “President “ in ALL their lives can be!!!

Without MY WALL “Emergency” I REALLY WILL BE DOOMED!!!
And NOT just by BROWN!!! CARAVANS!!! soon hiding in MY room
But also by MY Fine WHITE BASE now “losing faith” in ME
By listening to Coulter instead of to Hannity!!!
That so-called “woman” is to ME just as EVIL!!! a threat
As ANYTHING MY WALL can hold back (even “kids”, I bet!!!)

That’s why “National Emergency!!!” I yesterday declared
Hannity told ME to do it and Ann got ME scared
I’ve been scared about things under MY bed for MANY years
But losing MY WHITE VOTING BASE tops ALL “childhood” fears
I MUST get “re-elected” or “emoluments” WILL cease!!!
THAT would be WORSE than ANY kind of “Night Terrors” increase!!!

17 February 2019

‘What national emergency?’ Fox’s Chris Wallace drops statistics that wreck Trump's claims of a border crisis

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Ann’s Idiot

I MUST be BEST at EVERYTHING, that is what makes ME tick
And Ann Coulter has got it RIGHT, like MY WALL I am “thick”
OK, I AM an “idiot”, but that WILL NOT stop ME
From being the BEST “idiot” the world WILL EVER see!!!!

Of course I’m also, like, a GENIUS despite MY “brane”
The “alternate reality” IT lives in keeps ME sane
EVERYONE ELSE in the world’s as NUTTY as can be
MYSELF excluded and (maybe) some Friends on Fox TV.

But in the “brane” department Coulter knows I’m sadly lacking
That is why Vlad and Rocket Man receive MY constant backing
I CAN’T “distinguish” “right” from “wrong”, they look the SAME to ME
Except toads on the “Right” give ME a bit more LOYALTY.

I’m doing the BEST I can with what LITTLE “brane” I’ve got
No wonder I “ramble” sometimes inside MY tangled plot
The web I weave needs LOTS of strings to keep MY CON GAME going
And it’s HARD keeping them ALL straight while EVERY day they’re growing.

Unlike ALL those “gay” “people” Mike Pence HATES I have NO CHOICE!!!
I HAVE TO keep on adding strings to MY CON on ALL foist
(And YES, I KNOW that “choice” and ‘foist” do NOT exactly “rhyme”
But when you are an “idiot” such things you DO NOT mind).

So on I’ll go a-rambling around inside MY “brane”
The “idiot” inside ME cannot from dumb “words” refrain
But as Ann says ALL those I’ve scammed are STUPIDER than ME
They make THIS “useful idiot” seem as SMART as can be!!!

16 February 2019

Friday, February 15, 2019

Ramble On

“People” buy the sh*t I sell!!! Today I sold a LOT!!!
I rambled randomly for hours getting to MY plot
To delare an EMERGNCY!!! like NO other before
And convince MY fine WHITE Base it’s them that I’m FIGHTING for
MY WALL is almost FINISHED!!! (if NOBODY looks to see)
And today I cut one more chunk out of Democracy!!!

MY “brane” can’t rub two “thoughts” together to “coherence” make
That does NOT matter to MY Base, they KNOW MY words AREN’T FAKE!!!
ANYTHING I tell those dummies they’re convinced is TRUE
Because ONLY I ALONE have conned them so through and through
OK, their “numbers” are diminishing, but what the Hell???
MY con of those still left around is going VERY WELL!!!

Today’s “Rose Garden Briefing” was NOT ”rambling”, OK?
In MY “brane” it was clear as MUD in EACH and EVERY way
It took ME just an hour to get to MY final point
Ignore LEFT WING FAKE NEWS!!! that tells you there was some “disjoint”
EVERYTHING I talked about made TOTAL “sense” to ME
Because I’m, like, as GENIUS a GENIUS can be!!!

So buckle up, Amerika! Today I hunkered down
And rambled through each random “thought” MY GENIUS  “brane” found
It ALL made “sense” to ME, who cares if it made “sense” to you???
If you’re NOT part of MY WHITE Base it’s you I want to screw
I’ll say what I want when I want, SCREW ANY “disconnect”
If you’re “confused” today just wait, you ain’t heard NOTHING yet!!!

15 February 2019

Trump declares an emergency in the middle of the worst Trump speech ever—and that's saying something

Donald Trump's rambling emergency announcement was an hour of absolute insanity

Do Do

I do what I do when I do it and then
I do something else to undo it again
You’ll NEVER know what I do do till it’s “done”
And even then you won’t be sure it’s begun
Because after I do it I’ll change MY mind
At least once or twice EVERY hour you’ll find.

The second I’ve “done” something I then undo it
Because the next second I’ve started to rue it
And rather than letting it longer be done
I undo it quickly before it’s begun
And after undoing it I once again
Re-do it before MY undoing can mend.

You say that to “Make up MY mind” you’re imploring
But if I HAD one then MY life would be boring
I love changing what few “Brane” cells I have left
To do AND NOT do is MY warp and MY weft
ALL things I do I’ll undo then again do
Until NONE can tally MY do don’t doo doo.

15 February 2019

Trump shocks GOP with emergency declaration


I am officially “obese” is what MY “doctors” say
And there are in MY country 93 MILLION that way
I can’t believe they lumped ME in with that whole “other” bunch!!!
AS ALL KNOW I am TOTALLY UNIQUE!!! So here’s MY hunch:
They had to say SOMETHING to pretend I’m like a “human”
Because the world’s NOT ready for how INHUMAN I am!!!

Ask ANY “woman” that you meet and they WILL ALL agree
They’ve NEVER met another MAN as INHUMAN as ME
Ask ANY MAN I’ve beaten in an artful BUSINESS DEAL
And unlike most “women” they’ll tell how much I made them squeal
Does THAT sound like 93 MILLION “humans” are like ME???
I am UNIQUE in EVERY way, INHUMAN as can be!!!

I eat at least one Big Mac once an hour, sometimes two
And eat MY steaks with ketchup (It’s a “vegetable”!!! Who knew???)
And for desert the BEST Chocolate Cake that’s ever been seen
And on the side (just like MY ketchup) TWO scoops of ice cream
But while MY diet may put on a pound or two EACH day
That does NOT make ME like “obese” “humans” in ANY way!!!

Oh the INHUMANITY!!! that grows inside of ME
With EVERY Big Mac and BEST Chocolate Cake I eat with glee
EVERY day I grow a bit MORE INHUMAN, OK???
It helps ME do the things I do and say the things I say
You are what you eat and what I eat makes ME what I AM
To call ME “obese” hides the “fact” I’m REALLY INHUMAN!!!

15 February 2019

President Donald Trump Is Now One of 93 Million Obese Americans

Trump in 'very good health overall' but obese, according to physical exam results

Our Officially Obese President

Thursday, February 14, 2019


So-called “scholars” say I am the THIRD “worst” President!!!
I say they are ALL poo-poo heads and they can GO GET BENT
I’ve NEVER come in THIRD in ANYTHING I’ve EVER done
In EVERY “contest” I’ve been in I’ve been NUMERO ONE!!!
I ALWAYS WIN and NEVER “lose”, and this time is the same
I’ll sue those “scholars” asses for DENYING ME MY FAME!!!

There is NO WAY in Hell that I could come in Number THREE!!!
That “worst” part does NOT matter, what the Hell do “scholars” know???
They spend their time with “books” and NEVER watch a fine Fox show!!!
If they listened to Friends on Fox just once they’d ALL agree
That the NUMBER ONE “President’, best or “worst”, MUST be ME!!!

Their lousy THIRD place “ranking” once again has proved MY point
That ONLY Fox Friends accurately can MY “rank” anoint
I am the “rankest” “President” the world has EVER seen
And MY Fox Friends ALL understand to “rank” ME THIRD is MEAN
It is innacurate to “rank” ME distant Number Three
I’m trying the BEST I can to be the WORST I can be!!!

14 February 2018

Survey of scholars places Trump as third worst president of all time


I NEED MY new golf “simulator” so I can RELAX!!!
AS ALL KNOW I “work” VERY HARD, this “job” does ME MUCH tax
Especially the hour or two each day I get up
Instead of staying in bed drinking from MY sippy cup
Eating Big Macs and fries aren’t the ONLY things I do
I WORK HARD!!! So those who DON’T like MY new golf thing, SCREW YOU!!!

I cannot wait to try it out and hit MY balls around
On EVERY golf course in the world TRUMP balls WILL soon be found
“Executive Time” just took special meaning on for ME
I’ll now play golf for HOURS instead of watching TV
I’ll miss MY Friends on Fox but golf games have ALWAYS come FIRST
In daily “briefings” later they can tell ME who I’ve cursed.

There are a LOT of golf courses the whole wide world around
And in MY “simulator” on EACH ONE I’ll play a round
EVERY DAY I’ll play at least one, if NOT two or three
There’s NO END to how “simulated” I intend to be
As “President” I’ve “simulated” “truth” about “progress”
In MY new “simulator” I can now avoid MY mess.

14 February 2019

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Rock Money

I am EXTREMELY UNHAPPY with the new SHUTDOWN!!! “deal”
So I’ll keep ALL MY “options” open, NONE WILL I reveal
Except to say that LOTS of other “sources” I WILL tap
To get 23 BILLION DOLLARS it WILL be a snap
And where I get it from I’m sure NO ONE who COUNTS WILL mind.

I WILL turn over EVERY rock until MY MONEY’s found
And in the so-called “budget” LOTS of big rocks lie around
It isn’t “immediately clear”  which rocks WILL provide dough
That’s why I’ll overturn them ALL to make MY MONEY flow
We have a LOT of MONEY in Amerika, OK?
And ONLY I ALONE can make a bunch of dumb rocks pay.

I’ll begin with the rocks NOBODY RICH cares much about
Like “anti-poverty programs” ONLY DEMONcrats tout
“Environmental protection”, now who the hell needs that???
And so-called “scientific research”, what a load of crap!!!
Right there you’ve got three worthless rocks that won’t impact US RICH
Stripping BILLIONS from each one will go without a hitch.

And think about ALL of the rocks those “social” programs get!!!
There’s BILLIONS MORE just waiting under EVERY one, I’ll bet
NO ONE who COUNTS in actual “society” WILL care
If “social” programs get gutted, to the RICH that seems fair
That MONEY should be OURS ALONE to do with as WE please
Those who can’t get RICH on their own don’t deserve guarantees.

Of course I WILL NOT touch the rocks keeping Big Banks alive
Or any rocks ensuring that Big Coal and Oil thrive
The rocks protecting TAX CUTS!!! for US RICH are sacrosanct
And flipping DEFENSE rocks defeats the goal of MY WALL prank
ALL rocks helping keep BUSINESSMEN on top need NEVER fear
But the time to turn  “women’s” program rocks over draws near.

Every “abortion funding” rock disguised as “women’s health”
WILL provide BILLIONS for MY WALL, and it WILL not take stealth
I’ll turn such EVIL “program” rocks over without delay
Finding MY 23 BILLION WILL NOT take long, OK?
Soon MY Great WALL WILL be FINISHED!!! (after it first gets “built”).
I’ll find SO MUCH rock MONEY that with GOLD I’ll have it gilt!!!

13 February 2019

Trump 'extremely unhappy' with shutdown deal, keeping options open to build wall

Trump touts deal as providing $23 billion for border security

Tuesday, February 12, 2019


MY former chant to “BUILD THE WALL!!!” has backfired on ME
So I’ve changed it to “FINISH THE WALL!!!” very cleverly
It lets ME “save face” because I can’t get ALL of MY bucks
(This whole “working with Congress” thing really and truly SUCKS!!!)

MY DEMAND for 1 Billion times 5.7 has died
Despite standing MY ground and FAKE NEWS “poll numbers” that LIED!!!
I can’t believe Republicans are turning against ME
Who cares if THEY LOST “40 seats”??? Where is their LOYALTY???

They should have stood up to the DEMONcrats who got “elected”
By standing with ME to ensure MY DEMANDS weren’t rejected
5.7 was peanuts compared to what I’ll need
But as MY first down-payment I thought it was guaranteed.

That’s why I let “the Government” stay SHUTDOWN!!! MANY weeks
To force that MONEY into MY hands without any leaks
But that SHUTDOWN!!! (which was NOT MINE!!!) trickled down to MY Base!!!
I had to pull its plug (NOT MY FAULT, but a BIG disgrace!!!)

“The Government” went back to “work” which gave ME time to “plan”
And as MY “FINISH IT” chant proves I’m a Great BUSINESSMAN!!!!
I snatched VICTORY from the jaws of WALL funding DEFEAT
By claiming that MY WALL’s ALREADY “BUILT” (how’s THAT for “sweet”???).

NOBODY goes down to the hot border to look around
So NOBODY WILL notice brick and mortar NOT around
By claiming MY Great WALL is “BUILT” and just needs to be “FINISHED”
I can accept a LOT less dough with status undiminished.

MY “thanks” to White House staff I HATE who “thought” this up for ME
Their “FINISH IT” Plan let’s ME dodge recent WALL “history”
Claiming MY WALL is being “BUILT” and just needs “FINISH” touches
Allows ME to accept LESS dough and NOT limp out on crutches.

12 February 2019

Trump: 'Just so you know, we're building the wall anyway.' – video

Trump returns to campaign form with El Paso rally promoting border wall

Corporate Web

MY EMPIRE’s SO “convoluted” NOBODY can guess
The deep and twisted ways it runs, it really is a mess
Shell companies are nested inside other companies
And those are shells of other shells to the umpteenth degrees
Only, like, a Genius could EVER keep things straight
And even though that describes ME I’ve given up of late.

There was a time before I WON when I could keep things straight
Just like a spider in its web senses what’s on his plate
But now WITCH HUNTS!!!, LAWSUITS!!!, and FAKE NEWS!!! fill up ALL MY days
And MY Great “corporation’s” gone off-track in MANY ways
Even though I still control it here behind the scenes
“Emoluments” don’t seem worth it as it madly careens.

MY coffers keep on filling up each day I’m on this “job”
But Mueller’s Mob is starting to see through MY “corporate” fog
He untangles MY spider’s web each time he finds a string
His latest Swiss connection means the thing’s unraveling
I remain crouched down deep inside the center of MY web
But his string-pulling dot-connecting’s getting to MY head.

The ONLY time I find relief is on the Rally TRAIL
Where stuff I incite MY Base to do used to lead to jail
But like ME they could shoot somebody and still get away
Because toadie Republicans like ME say it’s OK
Each one is trapped inside MY tangled web of fear and greed
So even as MY web unravels I still on them feed.

I can’t believe I’ve gotten away with MY con so long
MAGA-hatted idiots still heed MY siren song
When I attack the “media” in words I sneer at them
They then attack it physically (Death to ALL Cameramen!!!)
MY Rallies help ME hide from ME dots Mueller is connecting
To lead him to the center of ALL things MY web’s infecting.

12 February 2019

Swiss Mystery Company Is at the Heart of a Mueller Puzzle

BBC cameraman assaulted in 'violent attack' at Donald Trump rally

Monday, February 11, 2019

Working Guy

Within MY well-oiled machine there is a bit of strife
The air has gotten so thick you can cut it with a knife
The few here who still work for ME are trying to get out
And ALL are miserable because I WON’T turn things about
I am HATED by EVERONE who “works” here day to day
But since I HATE them twice as much with ME that is OK.

No “President” has EVER tweeted HATE SO MUCH by nine
MY fingers grow SO tired they NEED “Executive Time”
The idiots still here think that they also “work” real “hard”
They have NO clue how MUCH I do, their “work” I disregard
I ONLY need MYSELF ALONE to run MY land I “lead”
They can ALL leave for ALL I care, NOT one of them I need.

The ONLY ones I want to stay are those now helping ME
Identify the TRAITORS in the mass CONSPIRACY
That is now LEAKING MY “schedule” to the FAKE NEWS press
To reveal MY “Executive Time’s” MORE than ANY guess
I WORK REAL HARD during that time, BELIEVE YOU ME I do
Each day it gives ME time I NEED to find MORE foes to screw.

When I am as busy as I am HATING EVERYONE
Including MY own kids lately there’s SO MUCH to get done
I have to think up clever “nicknames” for ALL those I HATE
To prove MY, like, Genius is NOT open to debate
As EVERY day new foes appear MY fingers get NO rest
So it’s a good thing I am ME, MY “work” DEMANDS the BEST.

It’s time today’s tirade ramped up so I’ll get back to “work”
The fact that EVERYONE HATES ME does NOT drive ME berserk
It proves MY point that I need NOBODY around but ME
To with MY tweets keep well-oiled “our” land’s machinery
MY daily tweet storms pour hot oil on flames growing high
Amerika is flaming out thanks to THIS “working” guy.

11 February 2019

“Trump Is Hated by Everyone Inside the White House”: The State of the Union Left Trump Stoked—But Some of His Staff Are Miserable

Defiant Leaker Amid White House Probe Reveals Trump Still Ticking Off 'Executive Time'

Donald Trump is obsessed with how hard he works

Sunday, February 10, 2019


INVESTIGATIONS!!! are increasing at a lightning pace!!!
At this rate ALL Republicans WILL be forced to them face!!!
The WITCH HUNTS!!! have been bad enough over the past two years
Now expanding INVESTIGATIONS!!! are expanding FEARS
The DEMONcrats MUST take the BLAME for this CATASTROPHE!!!
How dare they “win” elections that “defeat” those true to ME???

I rallied and I raged non-stop to keep MY toadies in
But they were such BAD “candidates” they took it on the chin
FORTY FRIENDLY FACES are now no longer around
To jump when I say jump and then ask “how high off the ground?”
Those left act like they’re still in charge but some “law” says they’re NOT!!!
I should have gutted that damned “law” before things got so hot.

If these INVESTIGATIONS!!! keep increasing day by day
They’ll turn over SO MANY rocks even MY kids WILL pay!!!
MY long lifetime of hidden crime I’m sure I can protect
But kids and co-conspirators WILL get it in the neck
Too Bad!!! So Sad!!!, I’ll miss them some, but Hey! What can I say???
Under the bus I’ll throw them ALL to help ME get away.

10 February 2019

Democrats are drowning out Trump's tweets

The Trump investigations are coming at last. Can Republicans handle the truth?

Tensions quickly spiral as Democrats ramp up investigations of Trump administration

GOP congressman forgets he's no longer in charge, throws tantrum after getting checked

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Good Genes

It’s “Genes”, whatever they are, that make ME the shade I am
DO NOT believe those “science” guys, their “knowledge” is a SCAM!!!
It is a HOAX!!! to say MY skin’s of “artificial” hue
MY face is “naturally” ORANGE, it’s MY “genetic” due
I don’t know why MY eyes look like “raccoon goggles” I wear
But Doctor Ronny says I’m “healthy” so why should I care???

Doctor Ronny is the BEST toadie “doctor” I’ve found
I don’t dictate MY own “check-up reports” now he’s around
He asks ME a question or two, “writes” a few “numbers” down
And “reports” to the “public” MY fine “health” is VERY SOUND
MY skin’s fine HEALTHY Orange GLOW is due to MY GOOD “Genes”
BELIEVE ME you can ALL BELIEVE HIM, he knows what “Genes” means!!!

Just wait another year and his “report” WILL be the same
He’ll find MY “health” to be Great and Tremendous once again
That is the ONE thing he gets paid to do, his ONLY “job”
He says the MORE Big Macs I eat the LESS they MY “health” rob
I am SO GLAD MY latest toadie “doctor” does agree
That MY “health” is up to MY “Genes” and NEVER up to ME.

9 February 2019

Trump to receive annual medical exam on Friday

No, Mr. President, Your Skin Color Is Not The Result Of 'Good Genes'

Friday, February 8, 2019


The DEMONcrats ignored MY THREATS to look the other way
HACK-SH*T is cranking up “investigations” left and right
And MY White House is hunkered down preparing for a fight
It’s three days after MY Great “State of MY Union” decree
So much for MY so-called “calls” calling for “our” “unity”.

ANYONE who listed to MY speech with half a brane
Knew under ALL the “unity” crap I was just the same
I threatened ALL MY FOES while I pretended that I “cared”
MY RAGE and ANGER under the word fluff was unimpaired
I’m still an egotistical narcissistic sh*t
And I suspect that HACK-SH*T’s Mob is DEPENDING on it.

I was trained early on in life to NEVER EVER “change”
MY total lack of “empathy” means “change” I CANNOT do
And HACK-SH*T wants to now use ME to TOTALLY ME SCREW!!!
But the MORE he “investigates” the NASTIER I’ll GET
If he thinks he can HARASS ME he ain’t seen NOTHING yet!!!

I am the Greatest HARASSMENT EXPERT the world has seen
Next to ME NO DICTATOR was one quarter as MEAN
Hitler? Stalin? Pol Pot? Really??? Is that ALL you’ve got???
OK, they “killed” some “people” and I’ve NOT YET someone shot

So BRING IT ON, HACK-SH*T, I am MORE than ready for you
“Investigate” away, you HACK, do the WORST you can do
EVERY move you make I WILL make counter moves to STOP
Each day I’ll send out ANGRY “tweets” to HARASS your whole crew
NEVER “changing” means I’ll EASILY OUT-HARASS you!!!

8 February 2019

Tensions quickly spiral as Democrats ramp up investigations of Trump administration

Trump lashes out at incoming House investigations

Trump calls Democrats' oversight 'Unlimited Presidential Harassment'

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Finish Line

I warned Dems they had better end ALL damned “investigation”!!!
There is NO place for “partisanship” in MY fine WHITE Nation
I threatened that if they did NOT stop IMMEDIATLY
I would NOT even PRETEND to want so-called “unity”
Can you believe it??? Instead of doing what I INSIST
That HACK has added MORE “investigations” to their list!!!

In addition to the Russian WITCH-HUNT!!! underway
They’re checking MY “finances” and “Inauguration Day”
MY toady ass-kisser Nunez cannot get them to stop
Since the “elections” he’s no longer seated at the top
Instead in the seat he once sat in Adam Shiff does sit
I’ve NEVER heard of that HACK and for years I’ve called him SH*T”.

I said back when the WITCH-HUNT!!! started there was a RED LINE
And I would FIRE Mueller if he crossed it ANY time
That RED LINE was MY FINANCES HACK-SH*T’s now coming after
The Coward inside the Bully inside ME sees DISASTER
In “public” I still scoff and say I’m NOT worried a bit
But inside MY exterior I’ve been SCARED by HACK-SH*T!!!

The “fact” HACK-SH*T has got ME SO SCARED I’ll NEVER confess
I’ll bluster and “bombastically” declare things AREN’T a MESS!!!
MY NEXT two years I’ll say WILL run like a well-oiled machine
Just like MY FIRST two, which AS ALL KNOW were CALM and SERENE
Just like the CALM SERENITY inside MY PLACID frame
(NO WAY I’ll indicate that HACK-SH*T’s driving ME INSANE!!!).

I’ll STOP him in the next “elections” and until that time
Unlike Mueller I’m told I cannot fire the whole bunch
So by MY THREATS ALONE I’ll have to ”prove” they’re “out to lunch”
I WILL portray them ALL as CRAZY with each tweet I send
A race is underway to see who drives who ‘round the bend.

7 February 2019

Trump warned Democrats not to investigate him. Instead, they’re playing hardball.

Trump blasts Schiff as 'political hack' over new investigation

Democrats just called Trump's 'investigations' bluff

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

State of Disunion

WHAT a SPEECH I gave last night!!! The Red and White and Blue
Has NEVER been waved SO MUCH since the end of World War II !!!
I talked about that War SO MUCH I’m sure now ALL AGREE
The whole thing could have been WON in a day or two by ME!!!
That’s because EVERYTHING ELSE I said I’ve done was SO Great
A little War would be lost on MY ACCOMPLISHMENTS plate!!!
Last night’s Reality TV was SURREAL to the core
A Twilight Zone of TRUMP FACTS I took TOTAL credit for!!!

Under ME MY whole country is VERY PROSPEROUS!!!
(ME and MY rich cronies sure are, the rest COULD be, I guess)
And thanks to ME MY military is stronger than EVER!!!
(At least it was before I sent it on MY WALL endeavor)
Because of ME MORE “blacks” are employed than EVER BEFORE!!!
(Except young hooded ones on whom police are waging war)
And it’s because of ME MANY “women” were there last night!!!
(Without MY “moral character” there’d have been LOTS LESS White).

Speaking of WHITE, WE NEED MY WALL to stop BROWN “caravans”
INVADING!!! fine WHITE neighborhoods to hatch their evil plans
Melaina was there last night and she AGREES with ME
(Her skin color is NOT “BROWN”, OK? It’s BRONZE as can be!!!)
Also in MY audience were MANY “guests” I used
Including uncaged “kids” with cancer and TRUMP names abused
And LOTS of ancient World War II vets and an un-shot Jew
Who I “honored” while with “gun control” had NOTHING to do.

I’m basking in GLORY this morning after MY Great night
It only took an extra week but I sure got it right
Today “fact checkers” WILL ALL say the things I said were “crap”
It does NOT matter, as “sound bites” they CANNOT be took back
The bottom line is MY fine WHITE Base now ALL applaud ME
For feeding them Red Meat last night disguised as “unity”
Soon tweet storm rages WILL again broadcast MY ANGER wide
But who needs “unity” once you’ve stemmed receding Base tide???

6 February 2018

Fact-checking Trump's State of the Union address

Tuesday, February 5, 2019


“They’ve” got ME “practicing” a “speech” that is COMPLETELY FLUFF!!!
I’d rather spew HATRID and FEAR while speaking off the cuff
The SPECTACLE MY Great “State of MY Union” offers ME
Is MY BEST “platform” for displaying RAGE annually
But MY “polls” have gone “down the toilet”, that’s what “they” ALL say
So “they” want ME to “practice” “their” “speech” and “say” it “their” way.

“They” say I should say I’m “contrite” and “seeking compromise”
Even I know that from ME such Bullsh*t would be LIES
It won’t be long into “their” “speech” before MY RAGE creeps in
In fact I am NOT even sure with “theirs” I will begin
Who gives a damn about dumb “polls” when you’ve got WALLS to build???
To keep MY Base supporting ME that goal MUST be fulfilled!!!

So come tonight at nine PM I’m ripping up “their” “speech”
I DON’T need “words” that tell ME I should “whisper” and NOT SCREECH!!!
I’ve NEVER been “contrite” about ONE THING that I have done
And as for “seeking compromise” go seek it up your bum
Making a SPECTACLE of MYSELF for the world to see.

5 February 2019

Trump to call for unity, face skepticism in State of Union

For Trump, the State of the Union Is a Spectacle, and He Is Ready for It

Monday, February 4, 2019

Executive Time

As “President” I work SO HARD I need time to unwind
That’s why 60% of each day’s “Executive Time”
Combined with “meals” and “potty time” and other things I do
About one half hour each day is left to muddle through.

And since “they” tell ME what to “sign” and “say” and “do” and “think”
The time I spend “doing” MY “job” goes faster than a blink
But that blink’s TOTALLY EXHAUSTING!!! for ME to get through
That’s why I need SO MUCH “Executive Time”, it’s MY DUE.

NO OTHER “President” has EVER gotten SO MUCH DONE!!!
I’ve done MORE than ALL OTHERS COMBINED since this “job’s” begun
It ONLY takes a half hour daily when you have a “plan”.

MY “plan” has always been NOT to “plan” anything at all
To trust MY GUT each day and let the chips where they may fall
And since I’ve hired the BEST PEOPLE to impose MY will
There’s NO NEED to work longer than a half hour can fill.

But the “work” I do during that daily half hour’s HARD!!!
I have to “sign” MY name A LOT and “read” “words” on a “card”
No wonder I’m EXHAUSTED once that half hour is past
Without so much “Executive Time” there’s NO WAY I’d last!!!

ALL those who “criticize” MY “workday” DON’T understand ME
I AM the Greatest “President” EVER in “history”
Because NO OTHER “President” has EVER found a way
To do MORE than they ALL have in just one half hour a day!!!

4 February 2019

Scoop: Leaked private schedules show Trump spent 60% of last 3 months in "Executive Time"

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Good Genes

ALL thought the world was done with Ronny but I beg to differ
A better “Bill of Health” about ME NO ONE can deliver
He verifies I’m in ROBUST HEALTH each time he reports
Despite three Big Macs EVERY meal and golf ALONE MY “sports”
Above ALL he knows it’s “Good Genes” that are making ME thrive
They’ve turned MY face bright orange but they’re keeping ME alive.

Who cares what “doctors” who use “science” say about MY “health”???
Ronny ALONE understands to ME ‘health” equals WEALTH
That’s why he’s now MY WEALTH of “doctor” stuff I want to hear
Because he says “Good Genes” mean I’ll FOREVER persevere
So I’ll have LOTS of “time” to make MY next “election” moot
To have MYSELF named “Emperor For Life” is MY pursuit.

Louie Gohmert holds that title now ‘cause he’s SO DUMB
But I’ll assume it once “election” laws I’ve overcome
And Ronny says thanks to “Good Genes” “inherited” by ME
The “For Life” part of MY title means RULE ETERNALLY
And because (so I’m told) “ETERNALLY ” means REAL “far-flung”
I’ll have the time I need to get MY Great WALL finally done!!!

ONLY I WILL survive centuries-long SHUTDOWN!!! time
Thanks to “Good Genes” Ronny says “grind” in ME “Exceeding Fine”
His “Bills of Health” insure ME I’ve PLENTY of time to go
And get Mexico to pay MY WALL BILL when “Congress” shouts “NO!!!”
There’s NO END to the WEALTH and POWER “Good Genes” WILL bring ME
So Ronny’s “doctor” Toad THREE in the Endless Line I’ll see.

3 February 2019

Ronny Jackson appointed Trump's chief medical advisor amid Pentagon investigation

White House Says Trump's Tan Is Just ‘Good Genes’

Useful Ignorance

I’m NOT “willfully ignorant”, I’m just dumb as a brick
There’s NEVER been a “President” who’s been one third as thick
I say I’m, like, a Genius (now there’s a proven laugh
In fact take that last one third “number” and cut it in half!)
I am “ABYSMALLY” stupid, OK? But, hey! I WON
Because ONE thing I’m SMART at is conning dumb LOSER scum.

My “fine WHITE Base” of LOSERS are ALL dumb moronic dopes
I just have to say “BUILD THE WALL!!!” and upwards soar their hopes
They are too busy chanting “LOCK HER UP” to even notice
That the ONLY one screwing them is their “beloved” POTUS
Coal jobs??? Good Luck!!! They NEVER WILL be coming back around
And kiss those “family farms” goodbye as “tariffs” bring them down.

So why are “people” surprised there’s lack of “intelligence”
Behind the crap that I “propose” for “national defense” ???
CONCRETE WALLS instead of “missile treaties” and “NATO”???
Come on, “people”!!! How OBVIOUS can an IDIOT go???
There’s NEVER “willful ignorance” behind the things I do
IGNORANCE ALONE’S “leading” “us” into deep doo-doo.

The OTHER thing I’m SMART at is that Russian Oligarchs
Find ME a “Useful Idiot” as easy as TWO larks
The ONLY thing I did MY whole “career” that’s “brilliant”
Was letting Russia’s camel stick it’s nose into MY tent
Back during “MY” campaign that camel entered all the way
And I’m SMART enough to keep feeding it it’s daily hay

So once again I say: Amerika, just “buckle up”
The IDIOT brane “leading” you “thinking” does NOT disrupt
I “KNOW” MY GUT is ALL I need to KNOW ALL that I need
To KNOW MORE than ALL “Generals” to “defense posture” bleed
MY string-pullers are CELEBRATING back in Moscow town

3 February 2019

'Willful Ignorance.' Inside President Trump's Troubled Intelligence Briefings

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Hiring Incentive

I can’t believe that IMMIGRANTS!!! for YEARS have “worked” for ME!!!
They’ve been on MY Golf Courses without paying a MY greens fee!!!
They’ve served MY paying guests the Best Chocolate Cake EVER tasted
And thrown out lots of trash (I DON’T “recycle”, ALL gets wasted)
Who knows how close MY Clubs ALL came to HORRENDOUS DISASTER!!!
Thank God we’ve now discovered them!!! I say kick them out faster!!!

Why should I care if some have “worked” for ME for 30 years???
They’re ALL ILLEGAL ALIENS!!! Don’t ask ME to shed “tears”
They NEVER should have been hired for ME in the first place
(It was NOT ME who hired them, that was HR’s disgrace
But then again they TRICKED HR with FAKE PAPERS they used
So ALL Blame’s TOTALLY on them, HR I WON’T accuse).

Eric runs MY Clubs but there’s NO WAY he could have known
Like HR he was TRICKED to let them throughout MY Clubs roam
It took him 10 or 20 years or 30 years at most
To I.D. them as IMMIGRANTS!!! but now EACH ONE is TOAST!!!
I don’t know who he’ll hire next to fill each vacancy
As long as they’re NOT IMMIGRANTS!!! they’ll be OK with ME.

Those IMMIGRANTS!!! WILL have NO RIGHT to “remain” once they’re FIRED
So MY ICE Goons will be waiting outside once that’s transpired
To round them up and cage them until EACH can be transported
Back to the sh*tholes they came from until ALL are deported
It’s way past time to scrape MY Golf Clubs clean of brown-skinned SCUM
So get ready, you sh*thole “nations”, back to you they come.

I’m sure there’s PLENTY of WHITE people looking for a job
Who were BORN HERE and don’t have “life” stories that make some “sob”
From now on they’re the ONLY ones we’ll hire for each Club
But will they work for less than “minimum” wage? There’s the rub!
Maybe if they’re also offered Chocolate Cake as pay...
Hey! Sign them up and I’ll give them ALL food scraps thrown away!!!

2 February 2019

Undocumented Workers Lose Their Jobs at Yet Another Trump Property

Financial Loser

It was NOT really “business” so MY falsehood’s NOT a “lie”
NO PROFIT was involved so why is there such an outcry???
MY complaint is NOT “dubious”!!! Despite FAKE NEWS reporting
I NEVER EVER at that time with Russians was cavorting
A “letter of intent”, OK?, “changed hands (maybe), So What???
When you are a Great Businessman such small stuff you Tut-tut.

Nobody talked until “November”, Rudi was dead WRONG!!!
(And if he keeps on spilling beans HE may be dead ‘ere long)
NO “deals” were made, NO “MONEY” changed hands, NO “tower” was built
How can you think it was “business”??? I NOBODY did bilk
Just like being the “President” I did NOT make a DIME!!!
I was a big financial “loser” the very first time!!!

MY “cover story’s” NOT “falling apart” with each new spin
Again I say again I was NOT in a “business” in
It did NOT last past November after this job I WON
It happened VERY RAPIDLY and was OVER and DONE
I am the Greatest Business Man the world will EVER see

2 February 2019

Trump’s dubious complaint: The presidency is a financial ‘loser’

The president's cover story about Trump Tower Moscow keeps falling apart

To justify Trump Tower Moscow effort, president redefines ‘business’

Friday, February 1, 2019


When I “address” the “State of MY Union” sometime next week
A so-called “constitutional crisis” I plan to tweek
MY GUT has more “strategery” than MOST folks realize
And on that night it WILL spring on ALL a Great Big SURPRISE”!!!

I WILL DECLARE EMERGENCY!!! down on MY southern border
BILLIONS OF DOLLARS I WILL GRAB away from “our” defense
To build a CONCRETE WALL so high NONE DARE call it a “fence”!!!

MY BFF (and lover) Vlad can’t wait for MY announcement
He’s planned MY move so carefully there WILL be NO denouncement
ONLY he and ME ALONE know what that night I’ll do
(I’ll first attack late-stage ABORTION!!!, then slip MY WALL through!!!).

It WILL be SO clever to distract using ABORTION!!!
To draw ALL eyes and thoughts away from NATO’s last death spin
Which I’ll “deliver” just as Vlad intends for ME to do
By screaming “LIFE IS SACROSANCT!!! as NATO’s life I screw.

To reflect on the “implications” of NATO’s decline
(Except, of course, MY buddy Vlad behind pulling MY string
Hiding behind “poor unborn children” while his plan takes wing).

SURPRISE, Amerika and “Europe”!!! Time to spiral down
Your ends I began the second I arrived in this town
NOTHING that I do “adds up” and this WILL also “puzzle”
As behind ABORTIONS!!! and WALLS!!! for Vlad I NATO muzzle.

1 February 2019

Trump hints at border wall action around State of the Union

Digging Down

The DEEP WALL HOLE I’ve dug MYSELF into I’m digging DEEPER
With EVERYTHING I say and tweet its angle DOWN grows steeper
The ONLY “good” news lately is that China wants to meet
And at the rate I’m digging I’ll soon get there to them greet
But I “learned” well from Roy and Roger digging goes ONE WAY

I say ANYTHING  “Congress” “offers” is a WASTE OF TIME
If they DO NOT give ME MY WALL NO other “offer’s” fine
And I tweet A WALL IS A WALL, NO “other” name will do
It’s NOT a “barricade” or “slats”, it’s a WALL through and through
MY latest tweet tweets I’ll DEFEAT them BEFORE they get done
I DON’T CARE what they “offer”, EMERGENCY here I come!!!

Roy C. would be SO PROUD of ME for “lessons” learned SO well
And Roger’s waving “Nixon signs” to say I’m doing swell
The ONLY thing I “learned” from SHUTDOWN!!! that last time around
Is MY WALL would be built ALREADY if I’d stood MY ground!!!
I now say IT IS BUILT ALREADY, NOT much left to go
While DEMANDING MONEY to build it, what a drama show!!!

Lights, cameras, action! I’m in HEAVEN! Drama’s what I DO
There’s NO DEAL to be made, EMERGENCY is now desired
“Congressional” “negotiators”, take a hike, YOU’RE FIRED!!!
NO point in waiting ‘till MY “promised” 15 days are up
Time to dig DEEPER with tweet shovels random and abrupt.

I DON’T know where MY WALL HOLE’s headed as it angles down
As I dig DEEPER fewer toadies with ME can be found
It’s getting a LOT “lonelier” the deeper DOWN I dig
But MY HOLE is ALL ABOUT ME so I DON’T give a fig
ONLY I ALONE have got the GUTS to keep on digging
Others may seek “compromise” but MY HOLE’s NOT zag-zigging!!!

1 February 2019

Trump, in Interview, Calls Wall Talks ‘Waste of Time’ and Dismisses Investigations

Trump repeatedly pushed incoherent talking points about the wall over the course of a single day