Saturday, February 9, 2019

Good Genes

It’s “Genes”, whatever they are, that make ME the shade I am
DO NOT believe those “science” guys, their “knowledge” is a SCAM!!!
It is a HOAX!!! to say MY skin’s of “artificial” hue
MY face is “naturally” ORANGE, it’s MY “genetic” due
I don’t know why MY eyes look like “raccoon goggles” I wear
But Doctor Ronny says I’m “healthy” so why should I care???

Doctor Ronny is the BEST toadie “doctor” I’ve found
I don’t dictate MY own “check-up reports” now he’s around
He asks ME a question or two, “writes” a few “numbers” down
And “reports” to the “public” MY fine “health” is VERY SOUND
MY skin’s fine HEALTHY Orange GLOW is due to MY GOOD “Genes”
BELIEVE ME you can ALL BELIEVE HIM, he knows what “Genes” means!!!

Just wait another year and his “report” WILL be the same
He’ll find MY “health” to be Great and Tremendous once again
That is the ONE thing he gets paid to do, his ONLY “job”
He says the MORE Big Macs I eat the LESS they MY “health” rob
I am SO GLAD MY latest toadie “doctor” does agree
That MY “health” is up to MY “Genes” and NEVER up to ME.

9 February 2019

Trump to receive annual medical exam on Friday

No, Mr. President, Your Skin Color Is Not The Result Of 'Good Genes'

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