Friday, February 22, 2019

Civil War

If ANYONE “ impeaches” ME there WILL be “CIVIL WAR”!!!
And it WILL NOT be “civil” but filled with BLOOD, GUTS, and GORE!!!
The pen is “mightier” than the “sword”, some say (but NOT ME!!!)
But NOT “mighty” as AK-47s, ALL AGREE
That Coast Guard Guy was a fine member of MY fine White Base
So I WILL NOT “condemn” him, what he did was NO “disgrace”.

He “amassed” MANY GUNS and LOTS of AMMO, but SO WHAT???
In this Great country that is LEGAL, no if, and, or but
Buying GUNS is one of the BEST things FREE MARKETS offer
It comes right after “emoluments” filling MY coffer
And he made a few “threats”, OK, but “threats” DO NOT “acts” make
(Too bad he did NOT follow through!!! What a Wuss, for god’s sake!!!)

ALL “words” I say are VERY NICE!!!, as NICE as NICE can be
They DON’T “incite violence” from ANY NUT CASE who LOVES ME!!!
It is a bummer that WHITE guy was NOT an IMMIGRANT!!!
And I agree it’s past time to KILL ALL of “liberal” bent
But just because he “threatened” DEMONcrats and FAKE NEWS!!! shi*ts
Is NOT a reason to “condemn” him, he pulled off NO hits.

Both Suckabee and I deny I “incite violence”
ALL “words” I say DO NOT in ANY way bring HATRID hence
EACH “word” I say and tweet is VERY NICE, I say again
There is NO WAY “they” can use them to put ME in the pen
And I remind ALL in MY country that THERE WILL BE WAR!!!
Unless I’m treated “civilly” MORE VIOLENCE I’ll implore.

22 February 2019

Coast Guard Officer Plotted to Kill Democrats and Journalists, Prosecutors Say

Trump denies his ‘very nice’ language encouraged white supremacist Coast Guard officer

Sarah Sanders: No need for Trump to tone down rhetoric following Hasson arrest

Former RNC chair Michael Steele: Trump ‘isn’t happy’ with law enforcement for foiling terror plot against Dems

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