Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Rock Money

I am EXTREMELY UNHAPPY with the new SHUTDOWN!!! “deal”
So I’ll keep ALL MY “options” open, NONE WILL I reveal
Except to say that LOTS of other “sources” I WILL tap
To get 23 BILLION DOLLARS it WILL be a snap
And where I get it from I’m sure NO ONE who COUNTS WILL mind.

I WILL turn over EVERY rock until MY MONEY’s found
And in the so-called “budget” LOTS of big rocks lie around
It isn’t “immediately clear”  which rocks WILL provide dough
That’s why I’ll overturn them ALL to make MY MONEY flow
We have a LOT of MONEY in Amerika, OK?
And ONLY I ALONE can make a bunch of dumb rocks pay.

I’ll begin with the rocks NOBODY RICH cares much about
Like “anti-poverty programs” ONLY DEMONcrats tout
“Environmental protection”, now who the hell needs that???
And so-called “scientific research”, what a load of crap!!!
Right there you’ve got three worthless rocks that won’t impact US RICH
Stripping BILLIONS from each one will go without a hitch.

And think about ALL of the rocks those “social” programs get!!!
There’s BILLIONS MORE just waiting under EVERY one, I’ll bet
NO ONE who COUNTS in actual “society” WILL care
If “social” programs get gutted, to the RICH that seems fair
That MONEY should be OURS ALONE to do with as WE please
Those who can’t get RICH on their own don’t deserve guarantees.

Of course I WILL NOT touch the rocks keeping Big Banks alive
Or any rocks ensuring that Big Coal and Oil thrive
The rocks protecting TAX CUTS!!! for US RICH are sacrosanct
And flipping DEFENSE rocks defeats the goal of MY WALL prank
ALL rocks helping keep BUSINESSMEN on top need NEVER fear
But the time to turn  “women’s” program rocks over draws near.

Every “abortion funding” rock disguised as “women’s health”
WILL provide BILLIONS for MY WALL, and it WILL not take stealth
I’ll turn such EVIL “program” rocks over without delay
Finding MY 23 BILLION WILL NOT take long, OK?
Soon MY Great WALL WILL be FINISHED!!! (after it first gets “built”).
I’ll find SO MUCH rock MONEY that with GOLD I’ll have it gilt!!!

13 February 2019

Trump 'extremely unhappy' with shutdown deal, keeping options open to build wall

Trump touts deal as providing $23 billion for border security

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