Thursday, February 21, 2019


DEMONcrats are trying to BLOCK!!! MY EMERGENCY!!!
I guess I’ll have to play golf ONLY two days out of three
And DEMAND that MY omelettes be served FIRST when I’m in line
Because to fight the DEMONcrats I’ll need to clear more time
MY raging Tweet Storms spread DENIAL!!! and INDIGNANTY!!!
But it will take MORE than Tweets to stop them from BLOCKING!!! ME.

I’ll throw against the DEMONcrats ALL of the RAGE!!! I’ve got
And THREATEN LEGAL ACTION!!! that is WAY “over the top”
If they “pass” “resolutions” that “condemn” MY “declaration”
If they want to play games I’ll BLOCK!!! “resolutions” they pass
And throw “legal” BLOCKS!!! back at them that knock them on their ass.

MY NATIONAL EMERGENCY!!! IS going to proceed
I WILL move WALL BUILDING ahead while lawsuits pick up speed
On their side and on MY side MORE lawsuits WILL soon be flyin’
But I WILL TAKE MONEY for MY WALL despite BLOCKS!!! they’re tryin’
MANY years will stretch ahead as both our BLOCKS!!! play out
Plenty of time for CONCRETE BLOCKS to construct MY WALL stout.

21 February 2019

House Democrats move to block Trump's emergency declaration on border

Democrats prepare resolution against Trump's declaration

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