Monday, February 11, 2019

Working Guy

Within MY well-oiled machine there is a bit of strife
The air has gotten so thick you can cut it with a knife
The few here who still work for ME are trying to get out
And ALL are miserable because I WON’T turn things about
I am HATED by EVERONE who “works” here day to day
But since I HATE them twice as much with ME that is OK.

No “President” has EVER tweeted HATE SO MUCH by nine
MY fingers grow SO tired they NEED “Executive Time”
The idiots still here think that they also “work” real “hard”
They have NO clue how MUCH I do, their “work” I disregard
I ONLY need MYSELF ALONE to run MY land I “lead”
They can ALL leave for ALL I care, NOT one of them I need.

The ONLY ones I want to stay are those now helping ME
Identify the TRAITORS in the mass CONSPIRACY
That is now LEAKING MY “schedule” to the FAKE NEWS press
To reveal MY “Executive Time’s” MORE than ANY guess
I WORK REAL HARD during that time, BELIEVE YOU ME I do
Each day it gives ME time I NEED to find MORE foes to screw.

When I am as busy as I am HATING EVERYONE
Including MY own kids lately there’s SO MUCH to get done
I have to think up clever “nicknames” for ALL those I HATE
To prove MY, like, Genius is NOT open to debate
As EVERY day new foes appear MY fingers get NO rest
So it’s a good thing I am ME, MY “work” DEMANDS the BEST.

It’s time today’s tirade ramped up so I’ll get back to “work”
The fact that EVERYONE HATES ME does NOT drive ME berserk
It proves MY point that I need NOBODY around but ME
To with MY tweets keep well-oiled “our” land’s machinery
MY daily tweet storms pour hot oil on flames growing high
Amerika is flaming out thanks to THIS “working” guy.

11 February 2019

“Trump Is Hated by Everyone Inside the White House”: The State of the Union Left Trump Stoked—But Some of His Staff Are Miserable

Defiant Leaker Amid White House Probe Reveals Trump Still Ticking Off 'Executive Time'

Donald Trump is obsessed with how hard he works

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