Wednesday, February 27, 2019


PROSPERITY is ALL that counts!!! It’s ALL that REALLY matters!!!
Without Great WEALTH flowing UPHILL to ME I’d be in tatters!!!
Thanks to the “trickle down” charade ALL MONEY “trickles” UP
And Tax Breaks and “Emoluments” have REALLY filled MY cup
So how can Little Rocket Man NOT take the DEAL I offer???
I’ll share PROSPERITY with him if he gives bombs a tosser.

Yellen’ Janet Yellin thinks I do NOT “understand”
But I DON’T NEED TO when there’s SO MUCH MONEY in MY hand
And Little Rocket Man can amass Great Wealth just like ME
If he tosses ALL of his homemade bombs into the sea
I would NOT even “mind” if one or two fell on “Japan”
It’s sitting in the ocean MUCH TOO CLOSE to Rocket Man.

As long as his bombs do NOT hit places MY fine Base sit
I would NOT even “mind” if “California” took a hit
The whole “West Coast” is Blue as Hell so why would I complain
If his “denuclearization” sent it down the drain???
As long as ALL Red States are spared by him it’s fine by ME
And to sweeten the pot I’ll offer him PROSPERITY!!!

What a Great WIN-WIN Deal this is for ME and ME again!!!
If he “denuclearizes” ALL the Blue States he can
I’ll WIN MY next “election” with NO “opposition” “vote”
Because I WON the DEAL I made with that fat piece of bloat
He gets a little slice of the Best Chocolate Cake I eat
And I get to finally RELAX because I CAN’T BE BEAT!!!

27 February 2019

Trump touts prosperity, but is that what North Korea wants?

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