Saturday, February 2, 2019

Hiring Incentive

I can’t believe that IMMIGRANTS!!! for YEARS have “worked” for ME!!!
They’ve been on MY Golf Courses without paying a MY greens fee!!!
They’ve served MY paying guests the Best Chocolate Cake EVER tasted
And thrown out lots of trash (I DON’T “recycle”, ALL gets wasted)
Who knows how close MY Clubs ALL came to HORRENDOUS DISASTER!!!
Thank God we’ve now discovered them!!! I say kick them out faster!!!

Why should I care if some have “worked” for ME for 30 years???
They’re ALL ILLEGAL ALIENS!!! Don’t ask ME to shed “tears”
They NEVER should have been hired for ME in the first place
(It was NOT ME who hired them, that was HR’s disgrace
But then again they TRICKED HR with FAKE PAPERS they used
So ALL Blame’s TOTALLY on them, HR I WON’T accuse).

Eric runs MY Clubs but there’s NO WAY he could have known
Like HR he was TRICKED to let them throughout MY Clubs roam
It took him 10 or 20 years or 30 years at most
To I.D. them as IMMIGRANTS!!! but now EACH ONE is TOAST!!!
I don’t know who he’ll hire next to fill each vacancy
As long as they’re NOT IMMIGRANTS!!! they’ll be OK with ME.

Those IMMIGRANTS!!! WILL have NO RIGHT to “remain” once they’re FIRED
So MY ICE Goons will be waiting outside once that’s transpired
To round them up and cage them until EACH can be transported
Back to the sh*tholes they came from until ALL are deported
It’s way past time to scrape MY Golf Clubs clean of brown-skinned SCUM
So get ready, you sh*thole “nations”, back to you they come.

I’m sure there’s PLENTY of WHITE people looking for a job
Who were BORN HERE and don’t have “life” stories that make some “sob”
From now on they’re the ONLY ones we’ll hire for each Club
But will they work for less than “minimum” wage? There’s the rub!
Maybe if they’re also offered Chocolate Cake as pay...
Hey! Sign them up and I’ll give them ALL food scraps thrown away!!!

2 February 2019

Undocumented Workers Lose Their Jobs at Yet Another Trump Property

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