Sunday, February 3, 2019

Useful Ignorance

I’m NOT “willfully ignorant”, I’m just dumb as a brick
There’s NEVER been a “President” who’s been one third as thick
I say I’m, like, a Genius (now there’s a proven laugh
In fact take that last one third “number” and cut it in half!)
I am “ABYSMALLY” stupid, OK? But, hey! I WON
Because ONE thing I’m SMART at is conning dumb LOSER scum.

My “fine WHITE Base” of LOSERS are ALL dumb moronic dopes
I just have to say “BUILD THE WALL!!!” and upwards soar their hopes
They are too busy chanting “LOCK HER UP” to even notice
That the ONLY one screwing them is their “beloved” POTUS
Coal jobs??? Good Luck!!! They NEVER WILL be coming back around
And kiss those “family farms” goodbye as “tariffs” bring them down.

So why are “people” surprised there’s lack of “intelligence”
Behind the crap that I “propose” for “national defense” ???
CONCRETE WALLS instead of “missile treaties” and “NATO”???
Come on, “people”!!! How OBVIOUS can an IDIOT go???
There’s NEVER “willful ignorance” behind the things I do
IGNORANCE ALONE’S “leading” “us” into deep doo-doo.

The OTHER thing I’m SMART at is that Russian Oligarchs
Find ME a “Useful Idiot” as easy as TWO larks
The ONLY thing I did MY whole “career” that’s “brilliant”
Was letting Russia’s camel stick it’s nose into MY tent
Back during “MY” campaign that camel entered all the way
And I’m SMART enough to keep feeding it it’s daily hay

So once again I say: Amerika, just “buckle up”
The IDIOT brane “leading” you “thinking” does NOT disrupt
I “KNOW” MY GUT is ALL I need to KNOW ALL that I need
To KNOW MORE than ALL “Generals” to “defense posture” bleed
MY string-pullers are CELEBRATING back in Moscow town

3 February 2019

'Willful Ignorance.' Inside President Trump's Troubled Intelligence Briefings

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