Monday, February 18, 2019

Permeator In Chief

Another day, another THREAT, because that’s what I do
I THREATEN EVERYONE I meet, both Gentile and Jew
If you are NOT ME you’ll be THREATENED, just wait for your turn
I’ll get around to you after I someone else first burn
When your turn comes I promise I WILL THREATEN you a LOT
For when it comes to making THREATS I give them ALL I’ve got.

Today it’s “Europe’s” turn to get the next THREAT out of ME
They MUST take back and lock up ISIS “fighters” rapidly
Or else I’ll be “forced” to “release” 800 TERRORISTS!!!
To “PERMEATE” their so-called “countries” who’ve NOT MY ass kissed
They’d better pucker up or else it’s “catch and release” time
MY TERRORISTS!!! WILL “teach” them to applaud Mike Dense NEXT time!!!

Mike went there to DEMAND “respect” for ME and ALL I’ve done
And they DID NOT give him the clap, NOT by two hands or one!!!
“Europeans” therefore DESERVE this MY latest THREAT
Which I have now made and WILL follow up on you can bet
MY TERRORISTS!!! WILL “PERMEATE” THEM to the Nth degree!!!
(I don’t “know” what that ”word” means but it sounds NASTY to ME).

Hey! I “think” I will use that “word” in EACH new THREAT I make!!!
Like: “PERMEATE” your ass if you applause for ME forsake
Or: TERRORISTS!!! WILL “PERMEATE” your whole sh*thole “country”
I’ll use that “word” to “PERMEATE” EVERY THREAT soon to be!!!
I still do NOT “know” what it means and maybe NEVER WILL
But if it’s NASTY like I “think” MY THREATS with it I’ll fill.

18 February 2019

Trump demands Europe 'take back' and lock up 800 ISIS fighters captured in Syria or he warns the US will be forced to release the terrorists to 'permeate Europe'

Mike Pence ‘visibly shook’ as nobody claps at his applause lines during disastrous European trip

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