Sunday, February 3, 2019

Good Genes

ALL thought the world was done with Ronny but I beg to differ
A better “Bill of Health” about ME NO ONE can deliver
He verifies I’m in ROBUST HEALTH each time he reports
Despite three Big Macs EVERY meal and golf ALONE MY “sports”
Above ALL he knows it’s “Good Genes” that are making ME thrive
They’ve turned MY face bright orange but they’re keeping ME alive.

Who cares what “doctors” who use “science” say about MY “health”???
Ronny ALONE understands to ME ‘health” equals WEALTH
That’s why he’s now MY WEALTH of “doctor” stuff I want to hear
Because he says “Good Genes” mean I’ll FOREVER persevere
So I’ll have LOTS of “time” to make MY next “election” moot
To have MYSELF named “Emperor For Life” is MY pursuit.

Louie Gohmert holds that title now ‘cause he’s SO DUMB
But I’ll assume it once “election” laws I’ve overcome
And Ronny says thanks to “Good Genes” “inherited” by ME
The “For Life” part of MY title means RULE ETERNALLY
And because (so I’m told) “ETERNALLY ” means REAL “far-flung”
I’ll have the time I need to get MY Great WALL finally done!!!

ONLY I WILL survive centuries-long SHUTDOWN!!! time
Thanks to “Good Genes” Ronny says “grind” in ME “Exceeding Fine”
His “Bills of Health” insure ME I’ve PLENTY of time to go
And get Mexico to pay MY WALL BILL when “Congress” shouts “NO!!!”
There’s NO END to the WEALTH and POWER “Good Genes” WILL bring ME
So Ronny’s “doctor” Toad THREE in the Endless Line I’ll see.

3 February 2019

Ronny Jackson appointed Trump's chief medical advisor amid Pentagon investigation

White House Says Trump's Tan Is Just ‘Good Genes’

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