Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Corporate Web

MY EMPIRE’s SO “convoluted” NOBODY can guess
The deep and twisted ways it runs, it really is a mess
Shell companies are nested inside other companies
And those are shells of other shells to the umpteenth degrees
Only, like, a Genius could EVER keep things straight
And even though that describes ME I’ve given up of late.

There was a time before I WON when I could keep things straight
Just like a spider in its web senses what’s on his plate
But now WITCH HUNTS!!!, LAWSUITS!!!, and FAKE NEWS!!! fill up ALL MY days
And MY Great “corporation’s” gone off-track in MANY ways
Even though I still control it here behind the scenes
“Emoluments” don’t seem worth it as it madly careens.

MY coffers keep on filling up each day I’m on this “job”
But Mueller’s Mob is starting to see through MY “corporate” fog
He untangles MY spider’s web each time he finds a string
His latest Swiss connection means the thing’s unraveling
I remain crouched down deep inside the center of MY web
But his string-pulling dot-connecting’s getting to MY head.

The ONLY time I find relief is on the Rally TRAIL
Where stuff I incite MY Base to do used to lead to jail
But like ME they could shoot somebody and still get away
Because toadie Republicans like ME say it’s OK
Each one is trapped inside MY tangled web of fear and greed
So even as MY web unravels I still on them feed.

I can’t believe I’ve gotten away with MY con so long
MAGA-hatted idiots still heed MY siren song
When I attack the “media” in words I sneer at them
They then attack it physically (Death to ALL Cameramen!!!)
MY Rallies help ME hide from ME dots Mueller is connecting
To lead him to the center of ALL things MY web’s infecting.

12 February 2019

Swiss Mystery Company Is at the Heart of a Mueller Puzzle

BBC cameraman assaulted in 'violent attack' at Donald Trump rally

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