Sunday, March 1, 2020

Crap Cakes

The “epidemic’s” RAGING!!! and the “virus” WON’T OBEY!!!
But at CPAC FLAG-HUMPING is the order of the day!!!
MY CULT “loves” it when I “embrace” the flag and “pucker up”
It TRUMPS ALL things I do that they ignore although they SUCK!!!
They believe “God” is ON MY SIDE and thus on their side’s too
So MY HUMPING to them IS NOT what HYPOCRITES would do!!!

They are such easy SHEEP to CON and through SCAM lead astray!!!
ALL it takes is FLAG-HUMPING at EACH RALLY!!! soirée!!!
I “personify” and “permit” “feelings” they’ve suppressed
Through MANY YEARS of harbored FEARS they are less and less blessed
By “God” on high to DOMINATE ALL those NOT Fine BASE WHITE!!!
Increasing “numbers” of BROWN TERRORISTS!!! give them a FRIGHT!!!

That’s why MY GREAT WALL plays so well at EVERY RALLY!!! BASH
As does MY GUARANTEE DEMONcrats WILL their “values” TRASH!!!
And LIBERALS!!! would be coming SOON to TAKE EVERY GUN
Out of their “God-Fearing” fingers but for THE CHOSEN ONE!!!
At CPAC, like at ALL MY RALLIES!!!, they EAT CRAP SO WELL!!!
And FLAG-HUMPING is the icing on the CRAP CAKES I SELL!!!

1 March 2020

'Thank you, God': Trump revels in reign as absolute king of CPAC

Watch Trump Kiss and Caress an American Flag at CPAC: “I Love You, Baby”

The Great Storyteller: How Trump Continues to Win Over 'Lost' Americans

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