Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Brane Cred

I am NOT “mentally impaired!!!” “Psychiatrists” agree
(The MANY I have spoken with) I’m “mental” as can be!!!
ONLY ONE CRAZY “Doctor” ALONE thinks I should be “tested”
The rest agree the Genius in ME cannot be bested
I am SO SMART NO ONE on Earth even comes close to ME!!!
How DARE ONE CRAZY “shrink” question MY “brane” capacity???

MY “Doctors” say MY “physical health” is Numero One
NO ONE else they’ve “examined” has been healthier in sum
And they “tested” MY “brane”, OK? with ALL that “science” stuff
And found beyond doubt when it comes to “branes” I have enough
You don’t need more than ONE “brane” in your “head” at any time
And “Doctors” say that EVERY time they look there ONE they find.

MY body’s “physically HEALTHY” and MY “brane’s” in the mix
NOT ONE “Doctor” examining ME says it needs a fix
So why does this ONE CRAZY “psychiatrist” declare
That MY “brane” should be “tested” to see if I’m still ALL there???
The “25th Amendment” is what “she” wants to “invoke”
I don’t “know” what that is but I am sure it is a JOKE.

ONE CRAZY “ woman doctor” out of the ENTIRE bunch
Wants to “invoke” something to see if MY “brane’s” out to lunch
COME ON! “She” is a “woman”, OK? That is ALL you need
To know that “she’s” UNQUALIFIED!!! DO NOT what “she” says heed!!!
ALL MALE “Doctors” agree some kind of “brane’s” inside MY head
As for “impairment”, consider GAY!!! “woman doctor” cred!!!

19 February 2019

Trump’s mental impairment: A psychiatrist makes the case for invoking the 25th Amendment

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