Monday, February 25, 2019

Substantial Progress

I’ve made “substantial progress” so “tariffs” are now on hold!!!
China’s “stock market” is SURGING because I’m SO BOLD!!!
Who cares if some dumb “trade advisor” and I “disagree”
And putting off MY “tariffs” makes VAST RICHES flow to ME???
It’s true MY “Organization” WILL rake in LOTS of dough

TRUMP-BRANDED “spas” and “escort services”, “hotels”, and such
Thanks to MY “tariff” DELAY will in China increase MUCH
But ALL this talk of “foreign emoluments” is PURE CRAP!!!
Again I say COINCIDENCE!!” and that’s the END of that!!!
Ignore MY sons behind the bamboo curtain if you please
They had NOTHING to do with MY move to MY “tariffs” ease.

ONLY I ALONE run MY Great TRUMP  “Organization”
MY idiot sons do NOT factor into the equation
They’re “figureheads” to cover what I do behind the scenes
They hide MY plots, manipulations, lawsuits, threats, and schemes
But since some stupid “law” says “Presidents” “CANNOT” get RICH(!!!)
I say that they’re IN CHARGE, OK??? (They’re NOT, but life”s a BITCH!!!)

If I get pissed off at China again “tariffs” are BACK!!!
I get a DEAL with those slant-eyes or go on the ATTACK!!!
But for now their “approval” of MY TRUMP-BRAND CRAP I LIKE!!!
And those screaming “emoluments” can go and take a hike
I WILL continue to claim it’s COINCIDENCE!!!, OK???
But those who “know” ME “know” I’ve made MY “tariff crisis” pay.

25 February 2019

Trump to delay China tariff hike due to ‘substantial progress’

Stock surge on US decision to postpone China tariff hike

Memo of misunderstanding: Trump clashes with trade adviser over China talks

No other has done this! China approves Donald Trump-branded spas, escort services, hotels

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