Tuesday, February 12, 2019


MY former chant to “BUILD THE WALL!!!” has backfired on ME
So I’ve changed it to “FINISH THE WALL!!!” very cleverly
It lets ME “save face” because I can’t get ALL of MY bucks
(This whole “working with Congress” thing really and truly SUCKS!!!)

MY DEMAND for 1 Billion times 5.7 has died
Despite standing MY ground and FAKE NEWS “poll numbers” that LIED!!!
I can’t believe Republicans are turning against ME
Who cares if THEY LOST “40 seats”??? Where is their LOYALTY???

They should have stood up to the DEMONcrats who got “elected”
By standing with ME to ensure MY DEMANDS weren’t rejected
5.7 was peanuts compared to what I’ll need
But as MY first down-payment I thought it was guaranteed.

That’s why I let “the Government” stay SHUTDOWN!!! MANY weeks
To force that MONEY into MY hands without any leaks
But that SHUTDOWN!!! (which was NOT MINE!!!) trickled down to MY Base!!!
I had to pull its plug (NOT MY FAULT, but a BIG disgrace!!!)

“The Government” went back to “work” which gave ME time to “plan”
And as MY “FINISH IT” chant proves I’m a Great BUSINESSMAN!!!!
I snatched VICTORY from the jaws of WALL funding DEFEAT
By claiming that MY WALL’s ALREADY “BUILT” (how’s THAT for “sweet”???).

NOBODY goes down to the hot border to look around
So NOBODY WILL notice brick and mortar NOT around
By claiming MY Great WALL is “BUILT” and just needs to be “FINISHED”
I can accept a LOT less dough with status undiminished.

MY “thanks” to White House staff I HATE who “thought” this up for ME
Their “FINISH IT” Plan let’s ME dodge recent WALL “history”
Claiming MY WALL is being “BUILT” and just needs “FINISH” touches
Allows ME to accept LESS dough and NOT limp out on crutches.

12 February 2019

Trump: 'Just so you know, we're building the wall anyway.' – video

Trump returns to campaign form with El Paso rally promoting border wall

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