Friday, February 15, 2019

Do Do

I do what I do when I do it and then
I do something else to undo it again
You’ll NEVER know what I do do till it’s “done”
And even then you won’t be sure it’s begun
Because after I do it I’ll change MY mind
At least once or twice EVERY hour you’ll find.

The second I’ve “done” something I then undo it
Because the next second I’ve started to rue it
And rather than letting it longer be done
I undo it quickly before it’s begun
And after undoing it I once again
Re-do it before MY undoing can mend.

You say that to “Make up MY mind” you’re imploring
But if I HAD one then MY life would be boring
I love changing what few “Brane” cells I have left
To do AND NOT do is MY warp and MY weft
ALL things I do I’ll undo then again do
Until NONE can tally MY do don’t doo doo.

15 February 2019

Trump shocks GOP with emergency declaration

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