Friday, February 15, 2019

Ramble On

“People” buy the sh*t I sell!!! Today I sold a LOT!!!
I rambled randomly for hours getting to MY plot
To delare an EMERGNCY!!! like NO other before
And convince MY fine WHITE Base it’s them that I’m FIGHTING for
MY WALL is almost FINISHED!!! (if NOBODY looks to see)
And today I cut one more chunk out of Democracy!!!

MY “brane” can’t rub two “thoughts” together to “coherence” make
That does NOT matter to MY Base, they KNOW MY words AREN’T FAKE!!!
ANYTHING I tell those dummies they’re convinced is TRUE
Because ONLY I ALONE have conned them so through and through
OK, their “numbers” are diminishing, but what the Hell???
MY con of those still left around is going VERY WELL!!!

Today’s “Rose Garden Briefing” was NOT ”rambling”, OK?
In MY “brane” it was clear as MUD in EACH and EVERY way
It took ME just an hour to get to MY final point
Ignore LEFT WING FAKE NEWS!!! that tells you there was some “disjoint”
EVERYTHING I talked about made TOTAL “sense” to ME
Because I’m, like, as GENIUS a GENIUS can be!!!

So buckle up, Amerika! Today I hunkered down
And rambled through each random “thought” MY GENIUS  “brane” found
It ALL made “sense” to ME, who cares if it made “sense” to you???
If you’re NOT part of MY WHITE Base it’s you I want to screw
I’ll say what I want when I want, SCREW ANY “disconnect”
If you’re “confused” today just wait, you ain’t heard NOTHING yet!!!

15 February 2019

Trump declares an emergency in the middle of the worst Trump speech ever—and that's saying something

Donald Trump's rambling emergency announcement was an hour of absolute insanity

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