Wednesday, February 6, 2019

State of Disunion

WHAT a SPEECH I gave last night!!! The Red and White and Blue
Has NEVER been waved SO MUCH since the end of World War II !!!
I talked about that War SO MUCH I’m sure now ALL AGREE
The whole thing could have been WON in a day or two by ME!!!
That’s because EVERYTHING ELSE I said I’ve done was SO Great
A little War would be lost on MY ACCOMPLISHMENTS plate!!!
Last night’s Reality TV was SURREAL to the core
A Twilight Zone of TRUMP FACTS I took TOTAL credit for!!!

Under ME MY whole country is VERY PROSPEROUS!!!
(ME and MY rich cronies sure are, the rest COULD be, I guess)
And thanks to ME MY military is stronger than EVER!!!
(At least it was before I sent it on MY WALL endeavor)
Because of ME MORE “blacks” are employed than EVER BEFORE!!!
(Except young hooded ones on whom police are waging war)
And it’s because of ME MANY “women” were there last night!!!
(Without MY “moral character” there’d have been LOTS LESS White).

Speaking of WHITE, WE NEED MY WALL to stop BROWN “caravans”
INVADING!!! fine WHITE neighborhoods to hatch their evil plans
Melaina was there last night and she AGREES with ME
(Her skin color is NOT “BROWN”, OK? It’s BRONZE as can be!!!)
Also in MY audience were MANY “guests” I used
Including uncaged “kids” with cancer and TRUMP names abused
And LOTS of ancient World War II vets and an un-shot Jew
Who I “honored” while with “gun control” had NOTHING to do.

I’m basking in GLORY this morning after MY Great night
It only took an extra week but I sure got it right
Today “fact checkers” WILL ALL say the things I said were “crap”
It does NOT matter, as “sound bites” they CANNOT be took back
The bottom line is MY fine WHITE Base now ALL applaud ME
For feeding them Red Meat last night disguised as “unity”
Soon tweet storm rages WILL again broadcast MY ANGER wide
But who needs “unity” once you’ve stemmed receding Base tide???

6 February 2018

Fact-checking Trump's State of the Union address

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