Sunday, February 17, 2019

Night Terrors

“What National Emergency??? That should be plain as day!!!
AS ALL KNOW TERRORIST!!! DRUG!!! GANG!!! NON-WHITES!!! now stream MY way!!!
MASS CARAVANS approach MY Border with intent to KILL!!!
And then ADDICT!!! to the OPIOIDS!!! or some OTHER BAD PILL!!!
There’s NO time for DELAY!!! MY Great WALL MUST be “finished” SOON

I may NOT see them at first ‘cause they’ll hide under MY bed
And wait until MY lights go off before making ME DEAD!!!
And then they’ll MAKE ME swallow DRUGS!!! one BAD PILL!!! at a time
The few remaining “brane cells” I’ve got left WILL each be fryin’
They’ll get MY “brane” ADDICTED!!!, OK??? THEN the world will see
How BAD a “brane” DEAD!!! “President “ in ALL their lives can be!!!

Without MY WALL “Emergency” I REALLY WILL BE DOOMED!!!
And NOT just by BROWN!!! CARAVANS!!! soon hiding in MY room
But also by MY Fine WHITE BASE now “losing faith” in ME
By listening to Coulter instead of to Hannity!!!
That so-called “woman” is to ME just as EVIL!!! a threat
As ANYTHING MY WALL can hold back (even “kids”, I bet!!!)

That’s why “National Emergency!!!” I yesterday declared
Hannity told ME to do it and Ann got ME scared
I’ve been scared about things under MY bed for MANY years
But losing MY WHITE VOTING BASE tops ALL “childhood” fears
I MUST get “re-elected” or “emoluments” WILL cease!!!
THAT would be WORSE than ANY kind of “Night Terrors” increase!!!

17 February 2019

‘What national emergency?’ Fox’s Chris Wallace drops statistics that wreck Trump's claims of a border crisis

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