Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Space Farce Lite

The Super Duper SPACE FORCE!! I’ve DEMANDED’s been “scaled back”!!!
It WON’T get nifty RAY GUNS!!! to protect ME from attack!!!
“Tin foil” hats they now will wear will REALLY make ME glum!!!
MY Tremendous TRUMP SPACE FORCE!!! has now become “Space Farce Lite”
And under the “Air Force” it will soon sink right out of sight!!!

The TRUMP SPACE FORCE!!! I “envisioned” would be STRONG as could be
Ready to fight INVADERS!!! from beyond “infinity”
It would float ready above Earth ALL ALIENS!!! to spy
And ZAP them when it saw them with DEATH RAYS that cook and fry
But given MY Great WALL Fight there’s less MONEY left around
To spend on STORMTROOPERS!!! who would to ME ALONE be bound.

MY SPACE FORCE!!! I would also use for “Trump preservation”
From on high they would ZAP!!! and FRY!!! EVERY FAKE NEWS!!! press bum
ALL “critics” of MY “policies” and DEMONcrats galore
Under ROCKET SHIP!!! attacks would DIE!!! in HOLY WAR!!!
NO ONE on Earth would survive if they were “opposed” to ME
Through MY SPACE FORCE!!! I would achieve MY “Scorched Earth” “policy”!!!

But now I’m told I WON’T get RAY GUNS!!! or TITANIUM!!!
I WON’T get ROCKET SHIPS!!! to use as MY “ultimatum”!!!
MY Great SPACE FORCE!!! has been “reduced” to some dumb “Air Force” group
And instead of ME in charge some “general” is in the loop
This is NOT the Great TRUMP SPACE FORCE!!! “envisioned” in MY dreams!!!
I’ll have to conquer Earth through somewhat less “expensive” means.

20 February 2019

Trump approves plan to create Space Force but puts it under Air Force control, as Pentagon officials wanted

Trump to approve lean Space Force

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