Sunday, February 24, 2019

Life Sentence

I have a BILLION “dirty tricks” still hidden up MY sleeve
And I’m starting to pull them out as “WITCH HUNT!!! ends draw nigh
Who cares what Mueller’s Mob “reveals”??? NOBODY “FIRES” THIS GUY!!!
I am the Greatest “President”, BELIEVE ME, AS ALL KNOW
I’ll leave when I DECIDE, NOT when WITCH HUNTS!!! OR “votes” say GO!!!

I’ve “broken” EVERY so-called “rule” there was since I got in
In two years I WILL “break” another one to AGAIN WIN!!!
If so-called “more votes” are “received” by someone who’s NOT ME
I’ll claim it was COLLUDED!!! FAKE!!! CORRUPT!!! CONSPIRACY!!!
I’ll NEVER “accept” ANY outcome in ANY election
That does in ANY way shape or form lead to MY rejection.

I CAN’T be “fired”, WON’T “concede”, and NEVER WILL STEP DOWN!!!
Amerika is stuck with ME as long as I’m around
And as MY “science doctors” say I’ll live MANY YEARS MORE
Who cares if “voters” “vote” ME out??? They WON’T “show ME the door”!!!
Two years ago MY conned country for LIFE “elected” ME
It did NOT “know” that then but now it’s clear as it can be.

A LIFE SENTENCE is going to be coming VERY soon
And it WILL NOT be one swept in by “votes” or Mueller’s broom
I ALONE WILL “sentence” ME!!! I’ll BREAK the “voting” rule
That when you “lose” an “election” you “concede” to some fool
I WON’T “concede” to ANYONE who dares run against ME!!!
(Besides, by then “elections” may be BANNED, we’ll have to see).

24 February 2019

'You're fired!' America has already terminated Trump

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