Thursday, February 7, 2019

Finish Line

I warned Dems they had better end ALL damned “investigation”!!!
There is NO place for “partisanship” in MY fine WHITE Nation
I threatened that if they did NOT stop IMMEDIATLY
I would NOT even PRETEND to want so-called “unity”
Can you believe it??? Instead of doing what I INSIST
That HACK has added MORE “investigations” to their list!!!

In addition to the Russian WITCH-HUNT!!! underway
They’re checking MY “finances” and “Inauguration Day”
MY toady ass-kisser Nunez cannot get them to stop
Since the “elections” he’s no longer seated at the top
Instead in the seat he once sat in Adam Shiff does sit
I’ve NEVER heard of that HACK and for years I’ve called him SH*T”.

I said back when the WITCH-HUNT!!! started there was a RED LINE
And I would FIRE Mueller if he crossed it ANY time
That RED LINE was MY FINANCES HACK-SH*T’s now coming after
The Coward inside the Bully inside ME sees DISASTER
In “public” I still scoff and say I’m NOT worried a bit
But inside MY exterior I’ve been SCARED by HACK-SH*T!!!

The “fact” HACK-SH*T has got ME SO SCARED I’ll NEVER confess
I’ll bluster and “bombastically” declare things AREN’T a MESS!!!
MY NEXT two years I’ll say WILL run like a well-oiled machine
Just like MY FIRST two, which AS ALL KNOW were CALM and SERENE
Just like the CALM SERENITY inside MY PLACID frame
(NO WAY I’ll indicate that HACK-SH*T’s driving ME INSANE!!!).

I’ll STOP him in the next “elections” and until that time
Unlike Mueller I’m told I cannot fire the whole bunch
So by MY THREATS ALONE I’ll have to ”prove” they’re “out to lunch”
I WILL portray them ALL as CRAZY with each tweet I send
A race is underway to see who drives who ‘round the bend.

7 February 2019

Trump warned Democrats not to investigate him. Instead, they’re playing hardball.

Trump blasts Schiff as 'political hack' over new investigation

Democrats just called Trump's 'investigations' bluff

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