Thursday, February 28, 2019

Still In Love?

I might have been a bit “hasty” in MY “poem” yesterday
The Little Rocket Man and I are still “in love”, some say
He is the kind of “dictator” I want to be MYSELF
That’s why I claim he “knew” NOTHING about that dead kid’s health
When I left there I had intended to commence ATTACK!!!
And now I’m getting PRAISED for WALKING so I may WALK BACK!!!

He is a DICTATOR, OK??? So yeah, OF COURSE he “knew”
But that kid ripped a POSTER down so what else could he do???
I take him at his word like Putin and that “sheik” before
That’s the way I ingratiate MYSELF with the hardcore
They rule with IRON FISTS!!! That is the way to run ALL lands
IRON FISTS like theirs would fit Great on MY tiny hands!!!

So maybe I still AM “in love” with Little Rocket Man
Given the way I “felt” when I left that was NOT MY plan
I did NOT get a THING out of that baby-faced fat ass
And WALKING AWAY this time earned the PRAISE I CRAVE en masse...
Hey!!! Pelousy just “needled” ME!!! She said MY brane “thinks” SLOW!!!
To Hell with her!!! Ring “Nuke-‘em” up!!! Korea’s gonn GLOW!!!

28 February 2019

Trump was out of his depth in Hanoi. This failure is his greatest flop yet

'I don't believe he knew about it.' Trump defends Kim Jong Un on Otto Warmbier's death

Pelosi needles Trump after collapse of talks with North Korean leader

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