Sunday, February 10, 2019


INVESTIGATIONS!!! are increasing at a lightning pace!!!
At this rate ALL Republicans WILL be forced to them face!!!
The WITCH HUNTS!!! have been bad enough over the past two years
Now expanding INVESTIGATIONS!!! are expanding FEARS
The DEMONcrats MUST take the BLAME for this CATASTROPHE!!!
How dare they “win” elections that “defeat” those true to ME???

I rallied and I raged non-stop to keep MY toadies in
But they were such BAD “candidates” they took it on the chin
FORTY FRIENDLY FACES are now no longer around
To jump when I say jump and then ask “how high off the ground?”
Those left act like they’re still in charge but some “law” says they’re NOT!!!
I should have gutted that damned “law” before things got so hot.

If these INVESTIGATIONS!!! keep increasing day by day
They’ll turn over SO MANY rocks even MY kids WILL pay!!!
MY long lifetime of hidden crime I’m sure I can protect
But kids and co-conspirators WILL get it in the neck
Too Bad!!! So Sad!!!, I’ll miss them some, but Hey! What can I say???
Under the bus I’ll throw them ALL to help ME get away.

10 February 2019

Democrats are drowning out Trump's tweets

The Trump investigations are coming at last. Can Republicans handle the truth?

Tensions quickly spiral as Democrats ramp up investigations of Trump administration

GOP congressman forgets he's no longer in charge, throws tantrum after getting checked

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