Monday, February 4, 2019

Executive Time

As “President” I work SO HARD I need time to unwind
That’s why 60% of each day’s “Executive Time”
Combined with “meals” and “potty time” and other things I do
About one half hour each day is left to muddle through.

And since “they” tell ME what to “sign” and “say” and “do” and “think”
The time I spend “doing” MY “job” goes faster than a blink
But that blink’s TOTALLY EXHAUSTING!!! for ME to get through
That’s why I need SO MUCH “Executive Time”, it’s MY DUE.

NO OTHER “President” has EVER gotten SO MUCH DONE!!!
I’ve done MORE than ALL OTHERS COMBINED since this “job’s” begun
It ONLY takes a half hour daily when you have a “plan”.

MY “plan” has always been NOT to “plan” anything at all
To trust MY GUT each day and let the chips where they may fall
And since I’ve hired the BEST PEOPLE to impose MY will
There’s NO NEED to work longer than a half hour can fill.

But the “work” I do during that daily half hour’s HARD!!!
I have to “sign” MY name A LOT and “read” “words” on a “card”
No wonder I’m EXHAUSTED once that half hour is past
Without so much “Executive Time” there’s NO WAY I’d last!!!

ALL those who “criticize” MY “workday” DON’T understand ME
I AM the Greatest “President” EVER in “history”
Because NO OTHER “President” has EVER found a way
To do MORE than they ALL have in just one half hour a day!!!

4 February 2019

Scoop: Leaked private schedules show Trump spent 60% of last 3 months in "Executive Time"

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