Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Freshman Class

Republicans elected freshman bozos this past fall
And some are standouts in that group that out-bozo them all
These former local gadflies have gotten themselves elected
To represent nut jobs back home by whom they were selected.
They have no clue how government works but that does not matter
Because their goal’s not to govern but to government shatter.

Marjorie Taylor Green leads the bozo bunch brigade
She has so many enemies in the GOP made
They’ve kicked her out of all committees she was to assigned
Which means she has no job to do so does it overtime
Every day she demands congress vote to be adjourned
Thus digging the hole deep she’s dug because nothing she’s learned.

Lauren Bozo Boebert has more guns than armies do
Which she loves to display to show her foes her aim is true
That aim is carrying concealed weapons while on the hill
Where she feels it’s God’s-given right to give others a chill
While her husband’s busy exposing himself to young girls
She makes videos where backgrounds of weapons she unfurls.

There’s other female bozos but it’s time to move along
To the bozoist man of all among the bozo throng
And that is Madison Crawthorn, wheelchair bozo supreme
Whose lies about himself have passed beyond sad to extreme
He’s lied of his accident and shed abandonment tears
And lied about Annapolis and real estate careers.

The other bozos on the GOP bus have not yet
Distinguished themselves like the three discussed but you can bet
It’s just a matter of time before they vie with those three
To be the biggest bozo in the freshman panoply
Towards big bozo winner each is struggling to swerve
Beyond the extreme edges of their own bozo bell curve.

16 March 2021

The Republican Freshman Class is a Tribute to our Nation's Notorious Local Bozos https://flip.it/EXKJaA

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