Saturday, February 23, 2019

Voter Fraud NOT

It’s ONLY “VOTER FRAUD” if it is done by DEMONcrats!!!
Republicans DO NOT NEED “FRAUD” to WIN their “voting” spats
When you have “gerrymandered” your own “voting district’s” ground
You WIN EACH TIME because “votes” AGAINST you CANNOT be found
And that “North Carolina” state’s been “gerrymandered” well
So those who say there’s “VOTER FRAUD” down there can GO TO HELL!!!

ALL “election integrity commissioners” agree
It is NOT “VOTER FRAUD” if those who do it support ME!!!
I NEED EVERY Republican on the Hill I can get
And I DON’T CARE how they get there to aid ME and abet
Like ME MY side MUST “remain silent” when FAKE NEWS!!! asks “Why???”
Or use the “both sides” argument to make this “fraud” thing die.

It’s time to re-convene Mike’s fine “commissioners”, OK???
To help ME make this so-called “proven vote fraud” go away
If they “investigate” it I’m sure THEY WILL ALL AGREE
That it was done by DEMONcrats, NOT by those who LOVE ME!!!
It is ALWAYS the DEMONcrats who for “votes” CHEAT and LIE
Republicans DON’T get “caught” when they “steal votes” on the sly.

That’s why North Carolina had “disturbed” ME VERY MUCH!!!
DEMONcrats ALREADY STOLE 40 “SEATS”!!! That’s a BUNCH!!!
It’s MUCH “higher” than I can “count” but I’m told it’s A LOT
If this thing makes it 41 MY “re-election’s” shot!!!
I still control the “Senate” but that may NOT be enough
So I’m “remaining silent” and/or laying “both sides” bluff.

(Although I must admit it helps when you let Russians in)
Republicans are SMARTER than DEMONcrats ANY day
That’s why I’m pissed that jerk down South did NOT pull off his play
But what he did has NOT been “proven” “VOTER FRAUD” AT ALL!!!
It’s ONLY “proven” in the “future” MY SIDE NEEDS MORE GALL!!!

23 February 2019

Trump’s defunct ‘election integrity’ commissioners utterly silent on North Carolina fraud

Trump lays some of the ol’ ‘both sides’ on alleged election fraud in North Carolina

N.C. board declares a new election in contested House race after the GOP candidate admitted he was mistaken in his testimony

Criminal charges possible in North Carolina's US House fight

Go Ahead And Say It: Republicans Are Perpetrating a Coup Against Our Democracy

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