Wednesday, February 27, 2019

In Absentia

I am SO NOT a “Racist” OR a “Con Man” OR a “Cheat”!!!
I am ALL THREE AT ONCE, OK??? And THAT is quite a feat!!!
I NEVER would “admit” that I was any ONE of them
But BELIEVE ME to be ALL THREE makes ME a “unique” MAN
The “Racist” in ME’s “obvious”, but NOT those other two
Because I’ve hidden them away MY whole “country” to screw.

Republicans did WELL today to help ME and MY “Brand”
NOTHING that the DEMONcrats did could sway one BASE fan
Just watch Lou Dobbs and random toadies talk on Fox TV
And you’ll hear what a TRAVESTY today was, BELIEVE ME!!!
Cohen’s LIES were PATHETIC!!! EACH ONE WORSE than the last!!!
(Besides, that stuff he “remembered” was WAY BACK in the PAST).

DEMONcrats asked “leading questions”, MY Toadies STOOD FIRM!!!
EVERY SINGLE ONE ATTACKED Cohen to make him squirm
They CONSTANTLY brought up the FACT he’s a CONVICTED LIAR!!!
So What if NOT ONE “cross-examined”??? They made him PERSPIRE!!!
Well, anyway, they tried to, although he remained quite cool
I’ll have to ratchet up MY “mob” threats to scare that RAT FOOL!!!

Praising fat Little Rocket Man MY “war crisis” to play
Because “Prime Time” in “Hanoi’s” VERY LATE back home at night
So I won’t get Great Ratings when I go “on air” to FIGHT
A few in MY fine BASE may stay up, MOST WILL BE ASLEEP!!!
They’ll have to wait until TOMORROW to react like sheep.

I may just stay here in “Hanoi”, ‘though their so-called “food” SUCKS!!!
NOT ONE good Big Mac can be found, but I could still con bucks
And if I did NOT go “back home” where Mueller waits for ME
But stayed here and broadcast DENIALS EVERY night at three
I could forget about WITCH HUNTERS!!! (THEY’D be far away!!!)
I could reign “in absentia” here YEARS. Hey!!! I just may!!!

27 February 2019

Cohen: Trump is a racist, con man, cheat

Michael Cohen testimony: Republicans can’t defend Trump on substance

Michael Cohen's Uncontradicted Testimony to Congress

Trump-Kim summit 2019: Live updates - CNNPolitics

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