Sunday, September 8, 2024

Women Love Him

Trump says women love him. Polling shows a gender gap
In his head alone is where his ‘women love me’ crap
Resides because female registration shore to shore
Is occurring in greater numbers than ever before
Especially among young women who have had enough
Of his pussy grabbing belief women like it rough.

Trump says women love him. Polling shows a gender gap
Primarily for his boasts about ending Roe v. crap
Using his stacked Supreme Court to end their right to choose
Made millions of women make sure their votes would help him lose
Thus making the gender gap grow at an increased pace
As women register to shove their vote’s fist in his face.

Trump says women love him. Polling shows a gender gap
Although it’s true a lot of women do applaud his crap
One wonders just how many of them really do him love
And how many must say they do to keep things cool above
The boiling point where MAGA husbands and boyfriends fists strike
Them in the face again for some perceived Dear Leader slight.

Trump says women love him. Polling shows a gender gap
That’s growing daily as his manly mucho macho crap
Impresses other wannabe males in each rally crowd
And women in attendance with their men cheer for him loud
Maybe because some truly believe shit he keeps repeating
But for some it may be a way they delay their next beating.

8 September 2024

Trump says women love him. Polling shows a gender gap.

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