Saturday, September 7, 2024

Another Crap Product

The stock market is giving everyone the royal shaft
Who when it came to investing were incredibly daft
Enough to invest in Truth Social and then watch the cash
They threw away on Trump’s dumb stock become worth less than trash
After a 70% loss of top value it had
Before Harris entered the race and things for it got bad.

Truth Social stock right after the Republican convention
Climbed up to almost 80 bucks a share with clear intention
Of soon surpassing 100 but that was before Joe
Dropped out and Kamala dropped in and the stock dropped below
It’s former peak and kept on dropping and never turned back
To 17 bucks and change now in loss that’s not been slack.

The speed at which the stock declined has been awesome to see
Trump himself lost about 4 Billion in a month or three
Although he really hasn’t lost a dime except on paper
Because they gave him his stock free at the start of the caper
So why should he care if poor cultists who had trusted him
Watch as life savings in Truth Social stock down the drain spin?

The stock market is a hard lesson for all those who’d try
To get rich quick by basing their investments on a guy
With dozens of failed products he to fools just like them sold
Who after each crap product failed were left out in the cold
So why should there be any wonder Truth Social is failing?
It’s just another crap product in patterns long prevailing.

7 September 2024

Trump’s Stock Value Craters As Sign Of How Much He’s Struggling.

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