Monday, September 9, 2024

Bloody Show

It’s going to be a “bloody show” if Trump is not elected
Because he’ll try to burn it all down if he gets rejected
By enough voters who prefer a fake Black female bitch
To a mucho macho straight White man who’s very rich.

The “bloody show” he referred to was for immigrants but
They will not be the only ones he’ll tell his cult to cut
Down with their guns blazing if the election’s results
Defeats him which he will see as the worst of all insults.

Internally Trump’s running scared because he knows that he
Could end up as a two-time loser very easily
Which his fragile ego would find unacceptable
So he’s preparing his armed cult to all of his foes cull.

So ‘though he says the “bloody show” to which he just referred
Will be how every illegal immigrant gets interned
Before he has them removed from our shores forevermore
Migrants aren’t the main target he wants cult guns to gore.

The “bloody show” Trump’s real agenda's slated to pursue
Is the one his winks and nods have been leading up to
They’re the code words for which his standing-by cult’s long been waiting
That set the stage for bloody show vengeance and ego slating.

9 September 2024

Two Words In Donald Trump’s Latest Anti-Immigrant Rant Send Chills Down Critics’ Spines

Trump hopes for a “bloody” outcome dealing with migrants.

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