Friday, September 6, 2024

Unhidden Agenda

Trump can run but he can’t hide until Election Day
From Project 2025 haunting him on the way
From now till then no matter how hard he tries to pretend
With it he had nothing to do and it does him offend
For as his lies go those two are so easy to discount
That to a hill of beans they both combined do not amount.

Trump can run but he can’t hide from things not going well
For him and MAGAs whose campaigns have been in shit stuck well
By Project 2025 which will now dog their tracks
From now until Election Day because their party lacks
Policies that aren’t to Project 2025
Unrelated and of which on its intentions thrive.

They all can run but they can’t hide convincingly enough
To not from Project 2025 be treated rough
Because so many toads who once worked for Trump authored it
Few believe him when he says he thinks it’s total shit
It also doesn’t help them JD Vance is so related
Directly to it by the book whose intro he dictated.

Trump can run but he can’t hide and JD can’t hide too
Nor can any MAGA swimming in the shit storm stew
Project 2025 cooked up for their party
Of wannabe dictators whose sole platform’s tyranny
Based on the core Project they pretend they don’t intend
To force down our nation’s throat without need to amend.

6 September 2024

Project 2025 Should Haunt Donald Trump Every Day Until The Election.

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