Thursday, September 5, 2024

Old And Tried

Old and tired Donald Trump would rather whine than win
Which is why the odds that he will win have grown more thin
His campaign’s nowhere to be seen in any swing states other
Than Georgia and Pennsylvania where he’s gone to smother
Those showing up for his speeches with old and tired lies
About which even Fox News has found cause to criticize.

Old and tired Donald Trump no longer seems to care
About winning because whining now fills the lion’s share
Of each two hour low energy rally speech that’s making
His cultists head for exits early because they’re forsaking
Further reiteration of whines heard so much before
Even his most loyal cultists find to be a bore. 

Old and tired Donald Trump keeps refusing to see
Through old and tired eyes how things have come for him to be
The easy win against Biden he formerly pursued
Once Kamala entered the race has become as unglued
As each confused and rambling word salad mishmash speech
He delivers in monotone to fewer cultists reach.

Old and tired Donald Trump is running out of steam
The energy he needs to Kamala Harris demean
Just isn’t there and without it he comes across as lame
In efforts to against her his cult’s enraged hate enflame
Low key rally speeches don’t work well to anger stoke
And whiny old and tired complaints don’t much rage provoke.

5 September 2024

‘Old and tired’ Trump would ‘rather whine than win’.

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