Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Bait Taken

Read any news reviews you choose, even Fox if you must
And you will see they all agree Trump’s ass got ground to dust
Last night as Harris trapped him many times during debate
By getting him to like a greedy fish take every bait
Set on his plate to seal his fate as each he gobbled down
Trapped him tighter in the role of debate losing clown.

Watch any MAGA media including OAN
And you won’t hear one pundit cheer while trying to defend
Trump’s night where fear his end draws near came further to the fore
Because Harris trapped him not just once but a lot more
For every time she dangled bait he swallowed it down whole
Which trapped him in the loser’s role which was her major goal.
Think what you will about last night but good luck if you try
To say like Trump’s “best debate ever” he’s the winning guy
Harris trapped him like a fish hooked tightly beyond any doubt
And no matter what MAGAs chatter it won’t get thrown out
Debate flop proof his time has passed on history’s fast stage
On which as his curtain closes more extreme lies he’ll rage.

11 September 2024

Trump Spent the Debate Walking Into Traps Harris Set For Him.

Donald Trump Tried To Spin His Debate Flop With Three Words. It Did Not Go Well.

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