Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Fantasy Reality

Trump’s desire for a return to his past campaign
Has moved beyond wishful thinking to fantasy insane
He really really doesn’t want to against Harris run
Because WHITE MEN should not have to deal with black female scum
And so in melt down mode his latest fantasy is that 
Soon again into the ring Joe will fling back his hat.

Trump’s really really really really really afraid that
Wrestling Kamala will get him pinned to the mat
Because he hasn’t been able to find one snide nickname 
That sticks to her or any other way to her defame
Which is why he’s fantasizing Biden will return
So he’ll no longer struggle to a fake black woman spurn.

Reality for Trump is that which in his ego’s view
Says it must be which from what really is sits far askew
It doesn’t occur to him that which his brain says must be
Is fantasy reality produced internally
His fantasy reality’s new melt down iteration 
Is the return making him earn landslide vote adoration.

10 September 2024

Trump Melts Down Over State Of  His Campaign With Wild Biden Fantasy. https://flip.it/gHktIL

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