Thursday, September 12, 2024

No Greater Debater

Trump insists he won the debate!!! 98 to 2
Was what one poll he says he read said had been his due
Which is a bit questionable because it’s agreed
That ‘though he can do a few things not one of them is read
But Hey!, it may be like his proof about pet casserole
He saw something on TV about that poll’s high toll.

Trump had the “best debate ever”!!! Through all history
Nobody’s ever won a debate more tremendously
Than he which all agree he did despite what all have said
About both moderators helping Kamala instead
By feeding her each question through her earrings in advance 
Despite thanks to his brilliance to win she had not one chance.

Trump says “three to one” against him were the unfair odds
He easily defeated because all three were dumb clods.
Each of whom he kept on a running rings around all night
On every question about which they gave Harris insight
It could have been millions to one and he still would have won
Because there’s no greater debater than the Chosen One.

Trump has indicated no more debates need occur
Because why should he waste more precious golf time beating her
Since he just proved beyond all doubt what everybody said:
That his debate skill knocked any slim win chance she had dead
He’ll crush her in November so there’s no need to repeat
What history already sees as debate’s greatest feat.

12 September 2024

Trump insists he won the debate, says another “probably won’t happen”.

MAGA Has a Pathetic New Conspiracy After Trump’s Terrible Debate Night.

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