Sunday, September 1, 2024

Shut Her Up

Arizona’s voters will soon send a message clear
To any MAGA willing to think about what they hear
And fear that the tired old tricks Trump has taught them all to
Stage to act enraged about robbed votes they claim they’re due
Simply won’t work very well for those who like him see
Robbed elections if voters hate whines incessantly.

Kari Lake has been a whiny flake since ‘22
When she refused to accept defeat like all MAGAs do
She pissed off everybody and that includes Donald Trump
Who kicked her out of Mar-a-Lago with swift kick to rump
Because stroking him down there she’d so badly overplayed
Melania demanded he tell her she’d overstayed.

Her ass kicked back to Arizona’s 15 points behind
The guy who voters want to win so denial we find
Is where she’s moved her whining to because she cannot face
A second loss in her home state at higher vote count pace
Than the Gov race she claimed she did not lose with whines nonstop
So irritating voters will soon line up to them stop.

1 September 2024

Kari Lake’s political career has become a slow motion car wreck on a crash course to defeat.

Democratic congressman takes lead in contentious battle for swing state Senate seat.

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