Saturday, August 31, 2024

Slumping Towards November

Trump’s numbers are in a big slump that keeps on slumping lower
Because he’s reaping shit after long being that shit’s sower
The crap he used to tap his cult’s worship no longer works
Crowd size grows thin as fewer revel in flag-humping smirks
Because the same spin that once sucked them in has grown so stale
They head for exits to escape his old stale wail’s travail.

Tricks Trump and his toads always used to portray dominance
Through overuse are failing at their party’s own expense
But since they can’t imagine change or adjustment conceive
They’ve nothing new to offer voters hidden up their sleeve
And so the same old shit he and they still sow endlessly
No longer in Peoria plays well as formerly.

As the Trump slump continues slumping lower every day
The tailspin he’s in places his mind’s decline on display
And makes MAGA toads scramble ever harder to deny
Dementia’s advance in the brain of their Dear Leader guy
So every day they find it harder to not be forlorn
As slumping towards November their landslide loss is borne.

31 August 2024

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