Monday, September 2, 2024

The Weave

It’s real funny for all of us who English majors were
To hear Trump’s excuse for why what’s called word salads occur
In every speech he’s delivered since his dementia came
Oozing like a worm to eat what remains of his brain.

His speeches weren’t too sharp before that but at least he could
Rub a few thoughts together that got kind of understood
But soon after he first rode his gold elevator down
In each new speech more convoluted word salads were found.

But lately the amounts of the word salad he has been spewing
In each new rally speech shows how his brain dementia’s queueing
Unrelated thoughts to spill at ever greater pace
From flapping pig lips in his over-slathered orange face.

Of his brain’s inability to coherence achieve
One of his handlers taught him to boast of as “the weave”
But claiming English Professor friends said “the weave” was smart
Because he has no friends tore “the weave” argument apart.

Now actual English Professors have come on line saying
There’s no way “the weave’ weaves together random thoughts Trump’s spraying
Ever more convolutedly in each word salad speech
From which coherent English passes further out of reach.

But Hey! Let’s give that clever Trump toad handler a hand
For a new English language meme funnier than he planned!
For those Profs also say “the weave” is perfect for displaying
How away from coherent thought dementia keeps Trump straying.

2 September 2024

“This Man Is Delusional”: Donald Trump mocked for claiming he ‘brilliantly weaves” stories together during incoherent speeches.

Critics Call Hilarious BS On Donald Trump’s New Brag About His Speeches.

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