Monday, September 16, 2024

Room For Doubt

If you’re not a Trump cultist then you probably don’t incline
To believe conspiracy theories sent overtime
By tin foil hat wearers via the internet
To fellow conspirators convinced that government
Agendas are kept hidden from all others except those
Like them whose theories clearly those conspiracies expose.

If you don’t buy the cry conspiracy theorists wail
About Illuminati who below the radar sail
Or about how vaccines are how governments control
Populations whose health they claim is their only goal
Then about most conspiracy theories you’ll stay immune
Except for just a few that in your mind may find some room.

Which brings us to assassination attempts one and two
On Trump which are hard to dismiss without some thinking due
To concerns that conspiracies don’t work only one way
So desperate MAGA handlers perhaps twice put in play
Staged attempts to make Dear Leader a near-martyr who
Stays shielded by God’s armor throughout every close call due.

Unlike assassination attempts previous to those
Trump lately’s been accruing neither of his yet disclose
Clear answers to some questions even skeptics who believe
Conspiracies are stupid ask for answers to relieve
As long as answers aren’t forthcoming those of us who don’t
Believe in conspiracies can’t dismiss all by rote.

If you don’t buy conspiracy theories then I suggest
You don’t put Trump’s assassination attempts to the test
But if instead “staged” in your head was the first thought you had
Then even though you’re probably not MAGA wing-nut mad
At finding under every rock turned over plots to see
Unanswered questions leave room for liberal conspiracy.

16 September 2024

Liberal conspiracy theorists already claiming Trump’s second assassination attempt was staged: “Behind in the polls”.

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