Sunday, September 15, 2024

Lost Talent

Donald Trump’s tremendous talent for lying has been
The core of his crap character and the essence of him
Since his first lie about millions under white tarps hid
Not one day has he allowed to be of new lies rid.

During four years as President the Washington Post count
Of lies over his mis-tenure rose to a vast amount
Somewhere around 40 thousand lies they documented
Which earned for him the greatest liar prize ever invented.

Immediately after voters kicked his fat ass out
Of office his biggest big lie beyond any doubt
He started circulating and it remains to this day
His central lie around which every other he’d array.

Trump’s lies will never end, with them we never will be done
But lately his big lies he’s trading for lies small and dumb
Which are sorely impacting his lie ability
Because it’s easy to disprove small dumb lies rapidly.

Big lies have many interwoven strands and each must be
Disproven in the context of the lie’s entirety
Each sticky strand in the lie’s web must be disproven which
Takes time during which new strands into big lies liars stitch.

Which is why Trump’s biggest big lie he’s brought back again
To to his debate debacle his “I WON!” claim append
As he was then so he’s been now very unfairly cheated
Because the same rigged contest tricks Dem foes have just repeated.

But it was during that debate that something new arrived
With the new lies he tried to sell which cut them down to size
And that was how stupidly small each new lie proved to be
Which since they were so small and dumb got disproved easily.

Instead of just relying on his big lies during spats
With Kamala one new small lie claimed White folk’s dogs and cats
Were in deadly danger because Haitians eat them whole
And another cited after birth abortion’s toll.

Few strands needed untangling to rapidly produce
The truth about his lie about dogs and cats served au Jus
And because you cannot abort babies after they’re born
His other lie was also met with internet meme scorn.

Rapidly disproving, scorn, and joke status all now
Into Trump’s ability to sell dumb small lies plow
And as fence-sitting voters hear more smaller lies he’s trying
To sell they’ll say he’s lost his talent and their vote for lying.
15 September 2924

Trump is losing his talent for lying.

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