Tuesday, September 17, 2024

On Full Display

They double down and triple down and beyond three quadruple
Race hate attacks on immigrants because neither has scruple
Within upon which they can draw to tone down racial hate
So they spew it unceasingly convinced there will be great
Benefits for their win chance race hate will bring about
If they get fellow White bigots to throw all non-whites out.

They triple and quadruple down and do whatever five
Times ruple is to keep fellow White bigots’ hate alive
Because without scruples within they both feel free to be
Race baiters who fit the bill fellow bigots want to see
And so each day more up convey anti-immigrant hate
Convinced race hate is how to make election results great.

Anti-immigrant race hate for them’s the only way
They can imagine to make vote count needles to them sway
They’re wrong but being wrong never held threatened White men back
From doubling down their dependence on racist attack
Because when bigotry is your core essence there’s one way
Alone to show your love for hate and that’s on full display.

17 September 2024

Trump and Vance think anti-immigrant hate is good politics. They’re mistaken. https://flip.it/oNuXEx

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