Saturday, September 14, 2024

From Now Until November

From now until November airwaves will fill up with hate
From MAGAs as predicted even before the debate
But after Trump took such a dump on his chances to win
The firehose of gushing lies we’ll be hearing from him
And them will crank up past eleven to ensure our fate
Teeters on the knife edge of dementia’s desperate hate.

From now until November Trump’s dementia will increase
As polls turn against him so MAGAs will need to release
Ever more convoluted explanations of word salad
Scrambled thoughts spilled from pig lips in melting face grown pallid
From ever lower energy attempts to make fans more
Like they were before heading out early for the door.

From now until November to take up Trump’s slack the croaks
We hear from desperate MAGA candidates may seem like jokes
And turn into internet memes but won’t be what they seem
Because lurking beneath their surface poverty’s extreme
Racial hatred will be used by White billionaires to
Turn America so red it never regains blue.

14 September 2024

It’s Later Than You Think.

Trump Admits He Doesn't Really Care About Effects Of Racist Conspiracy.

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