Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Last Legs

Some media gave Trump a free ride since he first came down
His golden escalator to us all in hatred drown
Fox and OAN and other extreme right wing stations
Don’t factor his mental acuity in their equations
For many years all that he’s done they have called brilliant but
It’s getting harder for them to pretend he’s not a nut.

The reason it’s grown harder for them to say his brain’s fine
And still conveying brilliance in each rally speech’s line
Is because each speech has conveyed worse gobbledegook
Indecipherable word salads hard to overlook
Try as they may and so to say his brain’s fine speech belies
As on mental acuity advanced dementia plies.

Of course Fox and other MAGA outlets will continue
To claim that Trump’s aging brain like his muscle and sinew
Remains as strong as ever because the tremendous genes
He’s been endowed with means it can’t come apart at the seams
But those of us not swayed by Fox and OAN reporting
See acuity in Trump’s brain on last legs cavorting.

3 September 2024

Questions surrounding Trump’s mental acuity are a real 2024 story. https://flip.it/ywXogG

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