Wednesday, September 4, 2024


No Go??? Oh No!!! Say it ain’t so!!! Trump’s “Awards Gala” fling
At his golf course to celebrate his cult’s coup attempt thing
Has been postponed indefinitely!!! Maybe somebody
On his staff was smart enough to realize it would be
Detrimental to his campaign to award those who
Stormed our nation’s Capitol because he told them to.

The only ones who would be proud of getting an award
For supporting his coup are those already on board
And so are not the new voters he needs to get ahead
Of Kamala and make her beating him no more his dread
Plus rich MAGAs who can afford expensive entrance fees
Don’t want to be seen celebrating his coup openly.

And so Trump’s toads are issuing the usual excuses
About scheduling conflicts and press reporting abuses
But the real reason why the “Awards Gala” they postponed
Until after elections is maybe because it’s known
That when Trump wins he’ll pardon all who on Jan 6 did coup
So why remind voters of coups before stacked decks come through?

Trump’s toads are making sure he will win one way or the other
So his “Awards Gala” before then they’ve sent six feet under
Because awards to those involved in what’s being called treason
By Democrats could give those still fence-sitting one more reason
To join the landslide against Trump and thus add votes that make
It harder for toads to steal the election for his sake.

Trump’s “Awards Gala” was an extremely stupid idea
Most likely thought up by himself because those toads most near
Him on his staff are probably all smart enough to know
It would be dumb to remind voters about his coup show
Before they’ve stolen the win for him despite the vote count
After which awards he bestows will not stress them out.

4 September 2024

The Jan 6 “Awards Gala” at Trump’s golf course has been postponed indefinitely.

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