Friday, September 13, 2024

Sensitively Sheltered

Trump won the first debate so well he sees no need to try
To kick Kamala's butt again so since he’s a nice guy
He has decided to decline another chance for him
To once again humiliate her when millions tune in
For a repeat performance of his brilliance shining through
Each detailed response he makes to questions in round two.

Trump won the first debate so well he’s willing to forego
A second opportunity to during prime time sow
More clear and concise answers during one more question round
He’d effortlessly provide to again put Harris down
And so to shelter her from more humiliation he
Sees no need to on stage show how dumb again she’ll be.

Trump won the first debate so well there’s no need to convey
More brilliant responses to new questions thrown his way
While she again gives no response that makes a bit of sense
To any question they ask her so to shelter her hence
From further scorn because he’s such a sweet and caring guy
He’ll sensitively give their second debate round a bye.

13 Friday 2024

Trump is Losing Post-Debate Debate Too.

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