Sunday, August 18, 2024

True To Him

In another untrue statement that he just let fly
Trump said as looks go he’s a more “better looking” guy
Than Kamala, perhaps because lots more makeup he wears
Than her to hide his flabby skin under thick bronzer layers
And covers his bald pate with plastic polyester hair
And as an all White male no half Black female can compare.

Psychologists think Trump does not believe he lies at all
He truly believes all tales he tells no matter how tall
Are true because they have to be because they are the way
His ego demands they must be so lies they’re not, OK?
And besides many have told him all things he says are true
And all things his opponents say are clearly lies clear through.

And so Trump’s statement that he’s ‘better looking’ is no lie
It’s truth filtered by a sick ego that compels the guy
To say whatever bubbles up next from his cesspool brain
That’s sent to flabby pig lips to as total truth proclaim
And so when he says he’s the much more ‘better looking’ guy
It’s true to him despite what to all others meets the eye.

18 August 2024

Donald Trump Mocked For Saying He’s ‘Better Looking’ Than Kamala Harris.

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