Saturday, August 17, 2024

Stupid Sexist Throats

J D Vance is more unpopular than Sarah Palin!
That’s the word officially - No wonder Trump’s been flailin’
To gain traction in his failing post Joe Biden race
When joke memes about Vance stream out online at lightning pace.

On campaign Vance will in his mouth keep inserting both feet
With every childless cat lady statement he’ll repeat
Perhaps he thinks he’s funny but most women think he’s not
So with a lot less women voters Trump-Vance has a shot.

It’s true that Trump’s own campaign skills leave much to be desired
With women he feels free to grope but what’s newly transpired
Is the disaster Vance became since he first came aboard
Trump’s ticket to become the joke MAGA can ill afford.

It’s been reported Trump in private’s pissed off as can be
Because Vance can’t remove both feet from mouth when on TV
And because it’s so late in the race Trump knows he’s now stuck
With a dumb sexist VP choice whose campaigning skills suck.

Trump’s one trick pony skills combined with his meme joke VP
Explains why hope for Democrats sprang back so rapidly
Especially among women who will cast massive votes
That will shove white male arrogance down stupid sexist throats.

17 August 2024

It’s Official: J D Vance Is More Unpopular Than Sarah Palin.

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