Sunday, August 18, 2024

An Aging Fatball

Trump is an aging fatball who is headed for a fall
Who just said he thinks he is the most handsomest of all
Candidates including she who he called just last week
Beautiful before his toads told him to that call tweak
Because if voters heard he said she was more so than he
Handsome he could much less of the popular vote see.

Trump is an aging fatball who claims he’s young tall and slim
Although elastic fat pants he wears all those lies do in
His ass would cause a total lunar eclipse if the moon
He chanced to pass in front of upon entering a room
Where on display it gives away its measurable facts
That when it comes to weight it’s got more than he claims it lacks.

Trump is an aging fatball with a gut packed full of lard
And an ass that could not pass into a gated yard
If the gate into that yard did not open widely
Enough to let his fat ass and fat gut gain through entry
Which is why he spends so much time on private golf courses
Whose gates of privilege exclude fatballs who lack wealth’s resources.

18 August 2024

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